
Jesus Lives in the Heart of a Boy!

"Mommy, read me the story about Jesus dying on the cross again."  It was the fifth night in a row that Lil Man had requested this story, and it was all he could talk about during the day.  I had prayed since before he was born that he would know my Jesus but I was surprised that he was showing so much interest and understanding so early, even though I was saved at the age of three too  (more about that in the previous post).  I just assumed that he was too young.  But the Holy Spirit kept prompting me to share the whole story  (and Lil Man was begging me to!)

Last night, while I told him the story, I decided to ask him some questions to see how much he understood.  I asked him why Jesus had to die and in a very serious and sorrowful whisper he told me "Because of my sin."  I asked him what sin was and he told me.  His little heart was so concerned and the Holy Spirit gently tugged at me.  I shared with him again that once he confessed his sins and asked Jesus into his heart, all his sins would be washed away and that he would belong to Jesus.  I told him that if he ever wanted to ask Jesus into his heart he could pray on his own or come find us and we would be happy to pray with him.  I was ready to move on to the next story  (not wanting to put any pressure on him), when he stopped me and said, "I want to ask Jesus to come into my heart."  My heart soared hearing those words come from my little boy!  We prayed and Lil Man asked Jesus for forgiveness and told him how much he loved him and believed that he died on the cross for him.  He asked Jesus into his heart and it was the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard!


Lisa Grace said...

HALLELUJAH! I am so happy to hear this ... and to share in the joy I know you must feel. Princess has made this commitment and I am anxiously awaiting the day Lil Man (ours) follows suit. It's the most amazing moment in our children's lives. I will pray for him as he grows in his faith. Congrats, Momma ... you did good ;)

Lisa Grace said...

Google "free photoshop alternatives" (I have been told GIMP is the best for Mac users, but I don't know from experience). I downloaded paint.net but it's not Mac friendly; there are several others that are. All you do is open your picture in there, click "add a layer", find the text tool (usually a T), and type. Then you "flatten image" and save as a .jpg. Anyhow, just find the program and start playing around with it. I am working on revamping my entire blog with my own images and touch. Have a great day!

Stephanie said...

Praise the LORD! Can you just imagine the rejoicing the angels are doing in heaven for your little one? I pray my daughter will one day find the same hope and joy and look forward to the day the angels will rejoice for her. Blessings to you - and thank you so much for stopping by my blog!

Summer said...

How wonderful! What an amazing day....

Miss Charlene said...

How glorious! 3 is amazing, but God calls us at any age! My son is 4 and understands many parts of the cross, but needs to learn that Jesus died for our sins. I am waiting for a 'click' in him, yet he loves God! I try to talk about God in everything we do and everywhere we go! We can make God very real to our children! And I delight in seeing their joy in knowing our Saviour :)

Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

Oh, that is so precious! My son sits and pretends to "read" the Bible sometimes. Most of it sounds like Hebrew but every once in a while he says Jesus. Nothing brings greater joy to my heart than hearing my two year old praying and reading his Bible! :)

Sarah said...

That is so awesome Joye! PTL! I try to do the same thing with Dylan all the time, but, like you, I don't want to put too much pressure on him. It brought tears to my eyes to hear of Thad accepting Christ and I can't wait for the day that my little ones do the same!


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