
Answered Prayers

I have kept a prayer journal since I was 13.  

I never really got into the whole "diary" thing.  It just seemed a little pointless and monotonous to me at the time.  Now, in my oh so old age : ) , I have come to appreciate diaries for the memories they preserve, but....they are still boring.  Prayer journals, on the other hand, are never boring.  It's exciting to go back and read them and see how God has answered so many cries of my heart.  I could literally list hundreds of answered prayers.  God is just that good!  Whenever my faith gets a little shaky I just flip through one of those journals and start recounting all the times God has pulled through for me.  He's amazing.  He's made so many of my dreams come true.  And all I had to do was ask. 

 In the Bible we are told that we "have not because we ask not" (James 4:2).  There are things I have been reluctant to ask God for.  Or, to be honest, I have simply forgotten that I could ask God for them!  They didn't seem spiritual enough.  Sometimes they seemed silly.   Or too big.  Or too small.  But God has never thought so.  Nothing is too big or silly or too small of a request when it comes to our Daddy.
"If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"   Matthew 7:11

1 comment:

  1. I think having a prayer journal is a very good idea...
    We're only human and we all have to admit that our faith can sometimes be shaken. The Holy Bible and browsing at how God worked in our lives thru the journal, will surely help us get back on track. Thanks for sharing!


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