
Spiritual Spring Cleaning

I could post some inspiration for spring cleaning...
But it almost seems a sin to stay inside all day when the weather outside is so beautiful and downright springy! 

My house definitely needs some elbow grease and could use a very healthy dose of organizing, but it will have to wait.  Just a little bit longer.  Because my spirit is in need of some spring cleaning as well.  God is showing me just how important it is to let Him shine His light into every room of my soul and clean some things up!

Here's my Spiritual Spring Cleaning List:

1. Throw away some junk.
"Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the Word planted in you, which can save you."  James 1:21

It is so important in my relationship with Jesus to make sure I am serving Him out of a pure, undivided heart.  It is vital that I know the Word of God--what He stands for and what He does not.  The enemy of my heart has a very specific agenda and his opinions are being spouted everywhere and accepted as the "norm"  all too often.  It's easy to let the lines get blurred and start allowing ungodly attitudes, mindsets, and cultural beliefs to creep in.  They gotta go!

2.  Deodorize and Prioritize.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matthew 6: 33

I smell something funny.  Oh!  It's me burning time and misplacing my priorities!
I get so busy and lose track of time very easily.  I say I'm going to read my Bible, but before I know it, half the day is gone and I haven't gotten my Word time in yet.  No wonder I start to crash--I really can't make it without God's spirit breathing life into me.  God's been whispering, "Put me first and I will sustain you."  I have to be intentional about my time with God and guard that time.  God comes first, my husband should be second, and then my children.  I have to be honest, the last couple weeks it's looked more like this:  my children, me, God, my husband.  That's gotta change--and quickly!  I've decided to make a little schedule that specifies what time each day I will spend reading my Bible and chatting with Jesus, and what time of the day I can get on the computer and for how long.  I've also made a list of my husband's favorite meals, and I've planned little surprises and notes to send with him to work.  I'm going to try extra hard to greet My Honey with a smile and a cheerful disposition when he comes home.

3.  Rest!
In the words of Jesus, "Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."  Matthew 11: 29-30

Living freely and lightly.  That's what spring looks like in the spirit.


  1. Deodorize and Prioritize! Oh thank you. That one is all for me. I've been struggling with it so badly for months and God has been patiently waiting.

    I love this post. It's perfect spring cleaning!

    Thank you for visiting with me. Your blog is refreshing!

  2. WOW! What a wonderful way to start my day!!! Thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring post! The Lord is truly speaking through you...

    Truly...reading this has pumped up my heart and has me ready to face the day knowing that He has me in His Loving Hands!!!



  3. Well, Joye, what a delight to meet you! Let me tell you what delights me the most...the fact that you're a young woman/wife/mother who is in desperate search of her God! When I was your age, I was the mother of two young sons, getting ready to embark upon the darkest days of my life. A divorce was waiting around the corner for me. And while I've loved Jesus all of my life, I would walk away from Him for a season to grovel amongst the swine and pods of a prodigal living. I almost didn't come out of that one.

    But thanks be to the God for his indescribable grace that kept me, wooed me, and brought me back to his arms. It seems like a lifetime ago, while still seeming like yesterday. Now, some 16 years down the road, I've truly tasted the depths of God's magnificent grace. Six years ago, I had a head on collision with the transforming power of God's Word, and I've been running hard after Him ever since! I only wish I'd taken hold of his promises sooner.

    I'm now re-married, mother of 4 (20, 17, 8, 6) and loving my life as a pastor's wife. My passion is writing and hope to one day have a published work. If not, my goal is to only serve Christ via my pen! Whatever shape that takes remains in God's hands.

    Keep to the road, sweet Joye, all the days of your life. Even when it's hard and you don't "feel" much like being God's child. Stay his child...He is so worth it. If I can ever be of any encouragement to you down the road, please feel free to drop me a line via my email on my blog. As always,

    peace for the journey~elaine

  4. I *love* this! I'm going to have to link to it when I post on organizing next week, if that's okay with you ... I think this is important! I hope that I can offer you the encouragement one day that I have found here this morning.

    Smile, you never know what your Loving Father has planned for you today!

    Lisa @ Fields of Grace

  5. You are so encouraging Joye! I love the verse in #3. What version is that, the message?

  6. Went back through some of my old blog posts and in one of them I had linked to this post of yours; it was good to come back and revisit it!


I love them.