
so THAT's where my laundry goes...

And now I KNOW...

Clothes go where My Sweetness goes

And nobody knows

But her!


  1. LOL! Wait until she starts dressing herself...whe will have 10 outfits on in a day! Emily still does that! She maybe has it down to 3 a day! ha ha! Oh, she is too cute, I'm sure you are not too upset with that sweetness! :)

  2. Joye,this is so sweet.Have a great evening! Blessings, Faye

  3. Ha ha, at least you do not have to fold it! She's a clever one! and very SWEET! Shi~

  4. Too funny! My daughter loves to empty out the laundry basket for me when I'm folding laundry - she will even kneel so she can reach the top of the basket and gets this look of total concentration as she proceeds to dump the contents out. Such a big helper ;)

  5. What a sweet helper you have there.


I love them.