
Thankful Thursday--Stirring Up My Faith

I WANT to be thankful today.  So, I'm linking up with Lynn for Thankful Thursday!
Because sometimes I just have to tell my ole self to REJOICE!  And I know that once I start thanking my magnificent Father with my mouth for all He has blessed me with, my heart follows.  Then my worry becomes worship and that's what I need for today (umm, everyday ^_^).  Before I even knew there was a meme called "Thankful Thursdays", God placed the name on my heart!  I know that it blesses his heart to see his children praising him and giving him thanks as a family.  He more than deserves it!

When I first had my twins, I remember people asking me if I was nervous about how I would manage two babies and a toddler.  Yes, there were times I worried how I would handle it.  Mostly there were times I worried if everyone would get enough of my attention and love. But every time I would begin to dwell on the seemingly "hardships", God would gently whisper, "Be thankful."  I had so much to be thankful for!  Having lost my second baby, my gratitude for the blessing of twins was that much more sweet.  Every time apprehension or even weariness would start to creep in, I would begin thanking God for everything I could think of.  My loving husband, my miracle home, my Lil Man, my precious babies, the car in our driveway, the sleepless nights, the laundry, the spit up and the spills.

The list of all I have to be thankful for is endless and once I start thanking my God for everything something shifts inside me.  A sense of real and genuine gratitude to my Lord springs up from my soul and worrying just doesn't seem all that important anymore.  God will provide for me because he has ALWAYS provided for me.  He will strengthen me because I have made him my refuge.  Thankfulness stirs up my faith.

Today, more than ever, I am so thankful God gave me a husband who will do whatever it takes so that I can pour my life and the love of Christ into my kids.  

Today, I thank my God for the opportunity to start a new business.  I thank him for teaching us to trust him through this difficult time.  I thank him for working faith and endurance within us!
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1: 2-4
Today, I will turn my worry into worship.
I will consider today pure joy!  God loves me enough to help me grow!

For more wonderful Thankful Thursday posts visit Lynn here.



  2. You are blessed. I love the turn your worries into worship. Just beautiful. lOve the picture too. so cute.

  3. Thank you for this much needed reminder. I think I just might join in too. It's ALWAYS good to remember what God has done for us, because He always gives us a reason to be joyful.

  4. Absolutely beautiful! But of course because it's written and expressed by a woman who is full of God's beauty!

    I'm thankful for your heart. Love you.

  5. Hi,

    You know I did a Thankful Thursday a while back...I never knew anyone had an offical one either...Good minds you know...hee hehee

    I agree with you it is a choice we must make sometimes moment by moment to choose to be Thankful or Joyfull. You will be greatly Blessed for the choices you make in that direction!..Hugs Shi~

  6. Hi Joye. Nice to meet you. I enjoyed reading your Thankful Thursday post. I agree with you. It is hard to always remember to be thankful, when life is hitting hard. I can appreciate your busy life, as I am an identical twin and now realized all the my mom handled taking care of us as well as our older brother. I know you are a blessing to your children.
    Happy Mother's Day.

  7. Hi Joye,

    Welcome girl to your first TT. Your post reflects your heart for Jesus and you honor Him with your words. I love this: Then my worry becomes worship and that's what I need for today (umm, everyday ^_^). AMEN!

    Loved the photos of your family. Happy TT. See you next week.

  8. Hey Joye. Beautiful post. Isn't it amazing how a thankful perspective changes everything?! What business are you and Joel starting?

  9. How great! I love it. Happy Thankful Thursday to you.

  10. What a beautiful post! how hard it can be to be thankful for sleepless nights sometimes! But you're so right...I've learned that having those sleepless nights means I'm blessed with beautiful kids, and all the laundry means I have a great family to take care of :)

    Love that sweet picture!

  11. God has sweetly blessed you.

  12. you're so blessed to have a beautiful family.

  13. Thank you for all your sweet comments ^_^

    Natalie, I popped over to your blog and I loved it as usual : )
    I don't like technology either. Ugh. But I blog b/c I love to write, too.

    My hubby is starting a Home Remodeling business. He really can do anything and it's been hard to decide which direction to go in...we're just praying that God will make all our efforts successful.

  14. Thanks for the reminder to always be thankful, Joye! I wish you the best of luck with your new business!! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!

  15. I love this and yes your blessed. I love your words of wisdom here (:


I love them.