
Born to be a Queen

My Dear Miss Sweetness,

I never knew having a girl would be this much fun.
Of course I always imagined you would be beautiful, but you are even beyond my imagination!
Every little thing you do just squeezes my heart!
From the adorable way you scrunch up your nose when your happy, to the way you turn down your mouth and quiver your bottom lip when you're sad.  
Mommy and Daddy apologize for taking many videos and pictures of that protruding bottom lip.
We can't help but love it!

You are all softness and sweetness-- rolled into one cute little bundle.
There is a lovely spirit of grace about you and you are so forgiving and kind.
I've been amazed at how tough you are, my little girl!  Your brothers can be rough and rowdy at times but it doesn't faze you one bit!  {Don't tell them, but you are really my toughest child!} 
You hardly ever cry.
You are the most content little thing.
And so independent!
You love to play peek-a-boo and be chased and tickled too.
Your blankie has to be within your reach at all times. 
Your favorite toy is your baby doll  {Mimi gave you one of hers because we didn't have any dolls in the house and I had no idea that you would love dolls before you could even crawl!}  You carry "Baby" everywhere and wrap her in your blankie.
You are so easy-going, go with the flow, cool as a cucumber.
I love your curls, your long lashes, your creamy skin, your playful personality!

Before you were born, Little Love,  God spoke to me about your life.
Your name means "Esther" in persian and you will be God's Esther in your generation!  There are many verses God gave me for you:  Esther 2:9, 15, 17, 20, 4: 15-16, 5:4, 7:3, basically the entire book of Esther!
God has given you wisdom, humility, and strength of conviction.
You have the favor of the Lord and He delights in you!

I love you forever,



  1. Love the pictures. She is so precious. I look at my own daughter growing before my eyes, and have moments I wish I could back to the adorable baby stage.

    Esther is my favorite female character in the Bible.

  2. Such a sweetie, for sure! Aren't girls just the best? :)

  3. What precious tribute to your darling little girl:) You need to save it and added to her baby book:) Little boys are so much fun but their is something special about little girls:)

  4. Little girls are so special!!

  5. Awwww. This makes me long for my little girl even more! What a sweet letter to your adorable daughter. It won't be long until I will see my little one as well. Thank you for your post, it helped me alot today.

    Esther is also my fave of all the women in the Bible, too. AND she was adopted! How cool is THAT!?

  6. I adore your blog Joye!! Truly. Just reading your profile made me smile. I can see you are as genuine as " they come!" Thank you for sharing your words and pictures! Your posts are so fun to read. Clicked to be a follower. Enjoy those blessings of yours!

  7. I love the photos, yes she is a queen!

    Enjoy her while she is young, they seem to grow up much to fast.


  8. O this blessed my heart so much. She's such a sweetie!!!

    You are obviously a blessed woman in a million ways and to God be the glory.

    Love and hugs.

  9. I nominated you for an award. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  10. She is adorable, and precious, and looks soo much like you !!! Great pictures and beautiful tribute.

  11. I followed your blog from another but your story blessed me to pieces. I'm pregnant with my 5th baby who is due in December. My pregnancy last year was not what I had expected, when my water broke at 22 weeks. My husband and I newly saved and baptized together with our unborn baby, dropped everything and left my precious 3 children (under 5, no twins) and spent 10 weeks in the hospital with sealed fate from Dr's clinging to our savior to give us a miracle. He did. She arrived at 32 weeks (because labor was induced) 4lbs 4oz. I'm high risk again, crying out to the Lord, but rarely seek help just asking for extra prayers for a healthy uneventful pregnancy. Thanks for your encouragement through your story, your family is beautiful

  12. Such beautiful pictures and such a sweetie. Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a beautiful little queen you have...and what an amazing promise for her life. Your mommy-heart is beautiful and shining through, as always.

  14. Yes indeed Joye,...Your little girl is a queen,....Queen of your hearts!

    Loved the sweet pictures,...and the letter to her from your mommy heart.

    You are greatly blessed.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  15. To Precious! Both of you :)

  16. Oh wow---what a beautiful treasure you have been blessed with. She is so adorable! Does't the Father just bless us with the most amazing gifts?

    Ohhh---loved the pics in your previous post (I'm a little late). So wonderful. You are blessed indeed, friend.

  17. She is absolutely beautiful Joye! And you are a beautiful mom!

  18. What a beautiful and special post. I love having my girls too! I wouldn't actually know what to do with boys since I was only raised with sisters. Maybe one day the Lord will bless us with a son, but in the meantime, I'm really enjoying my girls!

  19. Thank you so much for the comment that you left on my blog. It is really special to have women to walk with during this painful journey.

    You have such a beautiful daughter. So cute!

  20. How sweet...you are so right...you can NEVER take too many pictures of your sweet kiddos! SHe will love it someday! What beautiful words she will always cherish! LOVE this!

    {btw - I also received my winning hair accessories from Summer Suzette! So cute! THanks again!!! I can't Emily to let me take a picture, but I'll keep trying!} Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. I love how she holds the flower like a paintbrush, coloring the day with cuteness.

  22. Awww. So precious.

  23. Praise the LORD! Making rounds to wish all my blogging friends a great 4th of July as we celebrate FREEDOM IN JESUS NAME!

    Blessings and peace!

  24. Awwwww (sniff) this post literally made me teary!! I hope to have a little daughter one of these days.. if not, I'll just make my next son wear a dress :D

    Okay okay, I don't believe in cross dressing (sigh) so I'll buy a tiny female dog and make her wear pink frilly dresses :)

    Hey, that aint animal cruelty!!



    Anyway, I love the pictures!! I want to pinch her chubby cheeks, she's beautiful just like her mama!!


  25. How precious and what a delight your little girl must be! I am so happy for you!


  26. So sweet and looks like we share the same love for our flower headbands. Your a great mom.

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I love them.