
Watermelon Woo



Start in the middle...

Nibble nibble to the left

All the way to the end

Can you share a little?

My little girl takes after her mamma.  We loooove watermelons.  Of course I was told if I ate the seeds a watermelon would grow in my tummy...

And from all appearances, this might be true... 


  1. Ha ha!!! You're too funny, Joye! Oh I love those pics! So cute.

  2. So so cute! She is as sweet as can be! When do we get to see that 'watermelon' tummy, anyway? ;)

  3. What wonderful pictures. She's precious ! Love the pic with daddy !

  4. ha ha that's funny..I was told that also as a small child and I still remember that it worried me that one would grow in there! :) She is so adorable...love on her for me to ok...hug...hope your feeling delicious!

  5. What cute pictures. I love the one with her and daddy so sweet.

  6. Oh too funny! I LOVE watermelon too...and I certainly look like one is growing in my belly too ;)

  7. Oh my goodness if that isn't the cutest little girl I just don't know who is...her dress is Adorable!

    Who doesn't love some watermelon? And I must have eaten a few seeds myself!

  8. hahaha! We had orange trees in our backyard growing up and I was always worried that one would grow in my tummy because of all the seeds I swallowed! My dad used to "check my ears" to see if branches were poking out! :P

  9. Sweet pictures! We love watermelon too! Couldn't get enough of it this summer. My Granddaddy grew watermelons on the farm I grew up on, so we ate tons of them growing up. Granddaddy always told us we'd have watermelons growing out our ears if we swallowed the seeds. Of course we all believed him! :)

  10. Such sweet drippy goodness (the watermelon and the family)

    Sarah Dawn

  11. Oh MY! what cute pictures!!!! She is so cute! I do not think you are growing a watermelon in that tummy! More like another one of those watermelon lovers!!!!

  12. So cute...hope you and your little watermelon are well!

  13. Dear Joye,

    I love the pictures! I also love watermelon!!! I could never get enough of it growing up, although now days I am able to get my fill. ☺ Oh happy days!


  14. What beautiful photographs.

    We all love watermelons here too.


  15. Beautiful pictures! How classic!
    Pop ´em out! they are blessings! ;) ( the seeds that is) ;)

  16. Hey there! SUCH SWEET PHOTOS! I love me some Watermelon too!

    Come grab your blog award from me to you!


  17. Such cute pics. I love your opening quote...it shares my feelings of finding the perfect moments in life and stop expecting life to be perfect.

  18. you've been quiet for a while, hope everything is ok in your world.

    just wanted to let you know that I left an award for you at Today I Pray -- http://today-i-pray.blogspot.com

    have a great day.

  19. Those are simply adorable!!! Makes me hungry for watermellon too.

    We didn't get many this year. A couple we did buy were not very good. So I just didn't buy any more.

    We as youngsters used to eat it outside and then see who could spit the seeds the farterest.
    The next year we had watermellon growing in our yard. (So mom made us quit spitting our seeds in the yard). (:

  20. Hi,
    I Love your blog.
    That watermelon sure looks good to the last drop.
    The pictures are wonderful.
    I am sorry about the loss of Zaccheus `Titus`


I love them.