
fall daze

Well, 100 degrees can hardly be considered fall weather, but I can't complain.  I'm sure it will get cooler soon enough.  As long as it's not raining (and sometimes when it is), we can be found outside all the live long day!

My honey had to work out of town this week, so I got a good dose of single parenting.  That combined with pregnancy hormones had me feeling pretty weepy yesterday evening.  Thankfully, God has helped me recognize the signs of  mommy weariness and hormone swings.  I used to just succumb to the emotional roller coaster ride and let it take me wherever it wanted to.  I've since learned that the destination is not somewhere I want to be!  It's a pity ride that leaves me very susceptible to the lies of my Enemy.  There's nothing wrong with having a good cry, but in the midst of my tears I have to choose to listen to God's voice and not the voice that is often the loudest.

The lies were coming on strong last night:

"You're not a good mother because you can't keep it all together."

"You're so unorganized and unstructured--it's unfair to your children."

"God can never use you as long as you're so emotional."

I can't say that I didn't entertain them.  They're very tempting to believe.
I want to be the best mother I can be, I want to give my children the very best and I want desperately to be an instrument God can use.  There are definitely times I fail at accomplishing these goals.  I fall short. I miss the mark.  But God's gentle voice was there to remind me the truth:

God knows my weaknesses, and He doesn't hold them against me!

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)

God is patient with me, and his understanding knows no limits.

"He tends his flocks like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." (Isaiah 40:11)

I rebuked the Enemy's lies and I allowed the Truth of God's word to comfort me.  It wasn't easy, but it was so freeing!  God kept reminding me over and over of that last verse, "He gently leads those that have young."   Hope, a dear blogging friend, reminded me of that verse months ago and it has brought so much comfort to my heart.

So, now that I have had a good cry and a good heart-bearing session I would like to leave you with a little something light for your visit!

You might like these.  Your kids will love 'em. We call them "snow animals".  Animal crackers slathered in cream cheese.  MMMMM-mmmmmm.  Yummy.


  1. I have so been there, but you are an awesome mommy & I am so glad you listened to God. Beautiful pictures. Those cookies sound so yummy.

  2. Joye, What you showed in this post is so much wisdom that some people never ever find! Wow! I have been so blessed reading this! Spiritual warfare! That is what you just encountered! And you rested in the victory that Jesus bought and paid for you to have and it manifested the Truth in your life!! Amen!
    Your kids are so blessed to have you for a mommy!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you! My pregnancy hormones took me on a ride this weekend that was not pleasant. What words of encouragement...

  4. Thank you for the reminder that God can pull us out of those times and He doesn't feel that way about us. We are a prize in His eyes! Those snow animals look yummy!!

  5. Joye, You encouraged me with these verses, and your faith. I don't have little kids anymore and I am not pregnant,...but I do suffer with migraine headaches and I have had one for a couple of days now and it gets me down and I start feeling discouraged. But as I say, you have encouraged me today.

    I pictured my sweet shepherd carrying me through this hard time.

    Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  6. The enemy does get us at our most vulnerable points, doesn't he? He knows that we care more than anything about our kids and want to be the best Mommy we can to them, so that's where he will attack us. Thank goodness we know better than to believe his lies! This was a great post, Joye. You are a beautiful woman of God, a wonderful Mommy to some super precious kids, and I am honored to call you my friend :)

  7. Wow, Joye, you have such a way with words. I wish we lived closer - it would be so wonderful to meet you in person. You have been such an encouragement to me as I strive to be the mom God has called me to be. Thank you so much for these words today. This week He has been reminding me that He sustains me and gives me just what I need each day. Praise Him that each day is a NEW day!

  8. Joye,

    What a beautiful, heart felt post. Thank you for sharing this. I expect many of us hear those same lies from the enemy...and we must encourage one another to combat those lies with the Truth as you have done here. Thank you, dear friend...be well...


  9. Hi there, I stopped over here by suggestion of my friend Christy Rose, and I am so glad I did.

    I really enjoyed your post, the lies of the enemy seem to find their way into all of our lives, but you did a wonderful job of reminding us to turn to Jesus, and trust in Him to remind us of the truth. To help us stand in His finished work.

    And, your right sometimes, its not easy and it makes our hearts sad and brings us to our knees. But, thank you Jesus that when we turn to you, you are always there to remind us of your love and your truth!

    Wonderful! It's nice to "meet" you. I would love it if you wanted to stop by and say hello sometime.


I love them.