
I'm makin' a list...

The baby's coming...in only four months!  
I need the "nesting" drive to kick in, that super-mom power to accomplish the impossible in little or no time, because I've got some major rearranging to do.
The guest room upstairs has to become the twins' room and the nursery has to be prepared for the new baby.  And of course I don't want Lil Man to feel left out, so I've planned to add a new theme in his room as well.  I hope to accomplish all of this on a very, very, very tight budget.  This ought to be fun!  I love a decorating challenge!  I just hope I can get it all done before our newest addition arrives.  My track record on finished projects is not very good right now, I'm afraid.  (Here is where I should add a picture of the wall in our master bedroom that is covered only partially by a pattern I started painting over a year ago).  

Maybe I should make a list.  I like making lists.  They're so practical and ideal.  Neat.  Tidy.  But they do have to be followed to really accomplish anything.  This is where I usually run into trouble.  If I can't accomplish task number one, I just skip it.  And so on and so forth until I'm pretty much back to where I started.  That kind of defeats the purpose of a to-do list, now doesn't it?  We-ell, the whole idea of making a list is a sound one, so I guess I should try, try again.

First on my Baby Do List:
Find the inspiration rooms...

Top Left:  Inspiration for twins' room by ooh food.  Top Right:  Idea for nursery by LONDON SOUTHERN BELLE.  Bottom:  Inspiration for Lil Man's room by all edwards.

I'm getting excited.
I already completed task number one!
Yeah!  How hard can this be, right?


  1. when are you due ? do you know what you are having? Im due feb 13.. i have a girl who is 3 and a 22month old boy.. we are having another girl.. i know what you mean about getting things ready we are in teh middle of a 3yr remodel. the girls room is goin to be a dora theme and my sons room is mossy oak camo.. when they get DONE.. if ever.. i have the nesting thing goin .. i thought it was to soon to be nesting.. but im on bed rest due to complications so im not get to much done.. good luck .. we to are on a TIGHT budget ..it helps my hubby is a carpenter by trade ..stop by my blog

  2. I'm SO excited for you, Joye! You can do it!!! I'm not that good with to-do lists either, although I'm working on it. ha!

    Good luck with everything! I love the inspiration rooms!

  3. Sounds like so much fun...this post gave me a smile this morning, friend. Thank you...and keep thoroughly enjoying every moment! =)

  4. I know you can get it all done! Sometimes i work better down to the wire! Can't wait to see your progress...and the new little man in town! Have fun decorating!

  5. ummm - okay we have the EXACT same taste in nursery decorations!!! WOW - both the pictures you put up for the twins and the new baby are just what I love! I am going to be here looking for inspiration regularly!!

    (ps- stay tuned this week for a fun announcement from yours truly!) :P

  6. Oh goodness...all of those ideas are SUPER CUTE!!! You can accomplish your "To Do" list girlie! I have faith in you! I hope you are feeling wonderful and need to see more pics of your adorable belly!! :)

    Have a beautiful day!

  7. congrats on another boy! how sweet!

    have fun nesting!

  8. I think the inspiration rooms are just beautiful. Have fun decorating:)

  9. Lists are great! I like to make them. There is a great satisfaction when you get to cross something off. :)

    I hope you can accomplish all of your things on your list!

  10. I cannot wait to see pictures of what you create. I am all about tight budgets :)


I love them.