
finger lickin' good finger paintin'

I was feeling brave.
The twins are almost two, finger painting should be fun now, right?  And wouldn't it be sooo cute to make thank you notes for their birthday with personalized handprints?  Mom's and their grand ideas...

So, I found this recipe for homemade finger paints:

2 c. flour
4 c. cold water
Food coloring
Pinch of salt

Heat flour and water over low heat, stirring occasionally until thick.  (this took me almost 20 minutes).  Remove from heat, add salt and allow to cool.  Add food coloring and store in refrigerator after use.

Everyone was getting pretty impatient by this point.  And I plopped big gooey bowls of vibrant paint on the table.  V e r y tempting.  Finger painting now became hand painting...

And hand painting became face painting...

And chair painting, and table painting, and dripping down little legs into puddles on the floor painting...

And of course, who could resist tasting it?  Not my gang, that's for sure!  Next time I might try adding food coloring to vanilla pudding.  

Now that would be some yummy paint! 


  1. Oh wow! I bet they had so much fun!!!!

  2. This makes me want to paint too. Love the post!

  3. What a great idea - although I do think you're very brave!!! Thanks for the recipe - I shall print it out as I've never seen one for homemade paint before!
    Have a great weekend
    Renata :)

  4. How fun Joye. My kids have always loved to paint...didn't matter what kind and finger painting is very therapeutic. I love to participate.

  5. Finger paint is so much fun...at any age!

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  7. This is great!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. I've never seen a recipe for homemade paint before. Interesting, thanks. My youngest two are 9 & 6 and I bet they'd still love this. And maybe they won't be as messy. Well, I can hope, can't I? ;)

    You are making such fun memories for your kids. :)

  9. Oh my gosh... that looks like SO much fun! LOL Doesn't sound the best to eat though! ;)

  10. That is such a cute idea! I may just 'borrow' this one! :)

  11. What cuties! It looks like they had a great time.

  12. So cute!! You are much braver than me :D The cards turned out adorable though!!!

  13. What great fun. I remember finger painting and loving the feel of the paint and the ability to create.

    At 2 years old, they may not remember but do it again in a year and they will never forget.

  14. You are so brave... yet your kids will always remember how fun their mom was!

    I bet you all had a blast!

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  16. HOW.MUCH.FUN. You are just the best and funnest momma :) Finger painting is fun at all ages!!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  17. That looks like such fun! Thanks for the recipe- can't wait to try it out!

  18. SO fun! You could try letting them paint the tub! Thats fun and washes away... (maybe not the food coloring kind, but the regular washable stuff :)
    someone told me once that if you add a tiny bit of handsoap to those types of things it makes them "washable" I should test that :)

    Nice shots. again :)

  19. Love this. That is such a great idea, and they look adorable doing it.


  20. oh my gosh such a great idea, thanks for sharing this! I'm so doing this with my little boy! I love you blog! ox


I love them.