
grace like camellias

Grace is like my camellias...

when everything is dead and dying
defeated by frost and driving winds
it buds and blooms and bursts
baptizing with color a colorless world

"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." ~Titus 2: 11
My Jesus, you are such grace to me.


  1. i couldn't agree more.
    His grace brings tears to my eyes.
    i find strength through Him.

    thank you for posting this.

  2. AMEN and sooooo true. I have a picture of my camellia blooming during our Dec. 09 snow. It is an awesome reminder!!
    Blessings, andrea

  3. I keep checking to see if mine have bloomed every day ( for some reason mine are late bloomers, I'm sure it has something to do with my black thumb ). Think of the extra joy I am going to feel now when they do. You are named so correctly You are Joy. Thank You

    Cha Cha

  4. Beautiful pictures and beautiful reminders of the amazing work out precious Savior did!

  5. I love the sweet glimpse of spring! thanks for posting those during this white winter we are having :) and, an amazing story of grace. God is so good!

  6. Wow, I felt like I could almost smell those flowers! Beautiful pictures, and words!

  7. Beautiful pictures, and more importantly, beautiful words!
    Thank you, Jesus, for Your grace!

  8. Oh how lovely, Joye!! Those Camellias are absolutely gorgeous!! I LOVE your words and the verse from Titus. : ) Simply beautiful!

  9. Your pictures are stunning! I left a blog award for you on my blog. I hope you will stop by and pick it up!

  10. What a beautiful post... 'grace' is one of my favorite words!!

    I am posting the necklace I won from you tomorrow... I just had to show it off, it is so pretty! :)

  11. Beautiful! The pictures and the words just totally brightened my day

  12. ooooh! WOW! What a beautiful picture! What a beautiful message here! :)

  13. Oh, you have made me excited for my camellias to bloom! They are truly an expression of life against a wintry backdrop. Thank you so much for finding this simple message to share.

  14. Joye,
    This is beautiful! Thank you!
    I love your blog...Christah Cato hearded me toward you and Orissa has shared so much about you...I feel like I know you already! Stop by my blog sometime!

  15. simply beautiful.
    thanks for reminding us that His grace is always enough!
    love these pics too! those flowers are beautiful...i cannot wait for the joys of spring!
    God bless you sweet lady!

  16. Beautiful...His grace is one of my favorite gifts...=)


I love them.