
birth plans...

I got a phone call yesterday.
My CNW (certified nurse midwife) was on the other line.
"Umm, Joye, I know we scheduled your induction for Friday morning, but, well, we have some ladies that really need to be induced for serious medical reasons and we're going to have to re-schedule you for Monday."

Monday?  Monday!?  I wanted to scream that my fat, swollen feet, hot flashes, dislocated tail bone, and a suspected eight pounds and still growing baby were medical emergencies!  But instead I mumbled a "Yes, okay, I understand."
"That's all?", the voice on the other end was incredulous, "You're not going to curse me out?  Most mammas do, you know."

Oh, I certainly felt like venting.  The disappoint was keen and I could feel the water faucets turning on, the dreaded pregnancy dam about to burst.  Don't get me wrong-- I am thankful that I am not considered a medical emergency and  I am especially thankful that my baby is perfectly healthy.  But... (sigh).  I'm tired.  My mother just flew in on Monday expecting a baby to already be here.  Five days later--still no baby and she's flying out in nine days.  We're both exhausted from chasing my three little monkeys around and I'm getting a little desperate.

I actually surprised myself this time by even considering an induction.  Me, the all natural, let nature take it's course with as little intervention as possible, birth enthusiast.  I even drew up a "natural birth plan" (want one?  visit here) for all my pregnancies, had my doctor and nurses sign them and left them on file at the nurse's station.  Just in case.  But really, how can you plan something as beautiful and spontaneous as birth?  God is ultimately in control (preachin' to myself here).  And I really prefer Him to be in control, anyway.  I was blessed to experience two amazing natural births--the birth of my first born and the birth of my twins.  I do know that that is not always possible, though, and I am in no way trying to guilt trip anyone out there that didn't go that route.

For those of you, however, who may be contemplating a natural birth, know that you won't regret it.  It's truly an incredible experience  (not pain free, people, but incredible no less).  And for those of you who may have wished for a natural birth but were unable to do so, know that you are no less of a woman!  You labored with love and gave birth to another amazing little person fashioned by the hand of God.

I remember during my first pregnancy poring through the scriptures and taking in everything I could about childbirth.  One of my favorite scriptures was in Psalms and I memorized it and recalled it during my labor pains.
"From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. I will ever praise you."  Psalm 71: 6
 I personalized this scripture and put my baby's name in it so that it read,  "From birth _____ has relied on you; you brought ______ forth from [his] mother's womb.  ______ will ever praise you."

It was such a beautiful reminder to me that it is God who brings my baby into this world.  His hand is on me.  He is my deliverer.
And I needed that reminder today.


  1. How amazingly beautiful! I think we all have a specific verse for our lives. I know for each of my children, and one I've yet to conceive, God has given them each a verse for both of their names and they go hand in hand with the meanings of their names and with where I believe God is going to take them in their lives.

  2. Oh BLESS.YOUR.HEART. I can only imagine every single emotion that must have gone through your mind, body and well....thank goodness you exercised self control and allowed the Holy Spirit to keep you and I know the Lord will bless you for that!!!!
    Trusting in the Lords timing is all I can say! I am so glad your momma is there and I pray for a fast recovery so that when she does have to leave you you will both have Peace and Rest in your hearts and minds! Praying for you friend....

  3. Hang in there friend! I love how you express your heart.

    Prayers and blessings...

  4. awe....what a wonderful verse! I hope that this weekend is wonderful, restful and goes by quickly!

  5. Beautiful Joye. Though it may be hard to see right now... there must be a reason you have to wait for Monday. All in HIS time, all in HIS plans. Praying for you and baby!!


  6. Awww, Joye, I remember all too well how frustrating it is to get to the very end and then still having to wait. You get to a certain point where you're just ready. You've been on my mind lately, but I wouldn't dare come over here and ask you if you're still pregnant.....oh, how that used to aggravate me. Haha! :D

    Love ya lots and I will still be praying for you to have a beautiful and peaceful delivery!

  7. My heart is going out to you... all of my 4 were overdue and 3/4 of them were induced. Soon it will be over and you will hopefully forget these long days beforehand... xK

  8. WOW.

    I love you.

    Anyway, I will pray right NOW for that baby to COME TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

  9. oh, that wait is tough. praying for you, mama! hopefully that baby makes an appearance tonight! :)

  10. Oh- I feel your frustration and exhaustion.

    God bless Joye and her baby, be her deliverer, place your hand upon her and strengthen her. Fill her with your peace, refresh her, love her and bring the little child into her arms from yours soon.


  11. I am still praying for you, I wish I could do more, I remember the end of pregnancy and how uncorfortable it is.

    Cha Cha

  12. Praying for you and your baby. In His time:)

  13. Monday will be here before you know it. And, maybe God will grant your wish for a natural child birth sometine this weekend! Who knows!

    We are all praying for you and your new baby.

  14. You are so beautiful. I love your heart, sweet Joye...praying for you as you continue to wait...both for your Deliverer...and your delivery.

    Love you!

  15. That's beautiful! I want a natural birth when we have a child. Can't wait for news on Monday.

  16. Dear Joye-
    My heart is praying for a special time for this babe of yours.
    He knows your heart, your body, and your baby,,, and you let Him power over your emotions in such an incredible way.
    I have been "checking in," to see if you and your baby had your special day..
    With our natural births,( home births also),,, you are right.. it is amazing.. my husband and I had printed out the Scriptures we wanted to meditate upon during labor, and in the hardest moments, he would read and re-read them to me,,, God's words washing over my pain, anad bringing me peace.
    I am so excited for you!
    Praying... praying.

  17. I had the same thing happen to me with Jacob!! But he came in God's timing and what a wonderful day that was!!! I am so excited to see that baby of yours. I will be praying for you all weekend and when Monday comes along, I will be waiting with anticipation for your good news!!! :)

  18. Oh girl! I'm soo sorry. I wish so badly I could be there to take your little ones first pictures of life! What is the date of your induction? I will be home tuesday evening the 22nd.

  19. Hi Joye. Check your email if you get a chance... Yes, it is so annoying when doctors starting talking about schedules like- oh its no big deal! I remember all those emotions! I will say an extra prayer for you tonight.


I love them.