
hair it is

I found a gray hair.

Yep.  One bona fide silver strand.

Does this mean that I'm officially older or wiser?  Or both?

I would like to thank my children for this distinguished award.

And I especially want to thank my hairdresser for making me feel young in spite of my graying hair.

When it comes to hair, I am hopelessly clueless.

I didn't discover the blow dryer until I was a freshman in college.

Before then, I thought the quickest way to dry hair was to roll the windows down and drive fast.

And as for the few tangles I got into with the curling iron, well, lets just say I lost.

Not much has changed since then.

I'm still a mommy who occasionally sticks her head out the window to dry.  

I'm just more careful now not to blind anyone with my silver streak.


  1. Don't feel bad. You aren't alone. I have way more than 1 and I'm only 24! Thank God my mom is a hair stylist.

  2. Hehe, you are so funny. :)
    I'm the same way with my hair. Thank goodness I actually use the hair drier now!
    And, I have about 10 silver hairs that keep coming back!

  3. oh yip! it comes with the territory of having 4 kids ;) I found my first one when my youngest was a few months old. I text my mum.

  4. I just turned 27 a month ago and have found 7 over the past few months. So much for getting my mom's good hair genes. She didn't start getting many grays until her mid 50's. I was actually reading a blog yesterday about things to do with left over coffee grounds. One idea was for dark haired women to rub them into their damp hair and let it set for a few minutes and the grounds would naturally dye the grays. It will be a while before I put it to the test because I've just been jerking them out as I see them. :)

  5. Welcome to the club! Color treatments have become my best friend! Although I am much older than you! Blessings!

  6. Congrats! Consider it a rite of passage. Passage into what, I don't know...

  7. Since our girls were born (15 months ago), I've found 8 or 10 silver hairs. I just pluck them out and move on. Luckily, they're on the top of my head, around my crown, so - if there are more there - at least I don't have to see them. It just occurs to me, though, that this might be another disadvantage of my short stature...other people will see them before me! HA!

  8. You are much wiser that is for sure! At least that is what I tell myself. So go with this thought..you are much wiser and still very beautiful! :-)

  9. You look beautiful, Joye!! I'm glad to hear you joined the club. Ha! It does seem to be directly related to having kids. LOL!! I am shocked to see all the gray hairs I have now. I still think of myself as 20 max. How did this happen? :D

  10. You look fabulous....just be thankful you only have one.

    Blessings, andrea

  11. That must be a high honor!!! Your hair looks lovely in this picture though - you are beautiful!!! I seriously think you could stick y our head out the car window, air dry your hair, and NEVER brush it out ... and you would STILL look lovely!!! : )

  12. Oh JOY you ae beautiful and my guess is that silver hair is just a one time phenomenom for now :) Blame it on the preg being over :) You are gorgeous my friend and young and vibrant!! sleepy maybe but still vibrant none the less!!

    I have been coloring mine for a few years now....Praise God for great Hair Stylist!!

  13. Only one? There are plenty more to come, sweetie!

    Cute hair cut.

    Hope you are having a beautiful day with those beautiful children of yours.

  14. Yes, welcome to Wise Womanhood, ha ha. I had a friend in college who said once, "My hairdresser keeps finding all of these platinum blond hairs - I don't know what the deal is!" Being the loving friends we all were, all of us present laughed and shared with her that they were actually gray...I'm still not sure she believed us at the time. Just remember - you earn every one!

  15. Ha, you my dear are too funny and cute! A few months ago, I was looking in the mirror and noticed a piece of fuzz sticking STRAIGHT up in the center of my head. Yep, attached, wiry, shiny silver fuzz....

  16. lol your so cute!
    i found my first gray hair when i was 22 lol i freaked !

  17. Well, you look just lovely to me! :)

  18. oh you are just beautiful and I love your hair!! :-)

  19. It's only a matter of time for most of us!

  20. well, you know how much i adore your hair!!! i am certain that grays just mean a crown of glory - it's Biblical!!! : ) i am lovin' your homemade method of hairdrying... i wish i would've thought of that back in college. i just might have to give it a whirl. beautiful picture!

  21. You are so adorable. Claim that hair. And allow your hairdresser to cover it! You look amazing. I am preggo with my first and I hope I can look half as wonderful afterward :) Congrats AGAIN on the new addition. Hope life is wonderful for you.

  22. sadly, I have quite a few gray hairs and I am only 24. =( Ah well. I love your new hairdo though, super cute!

  23. I see a few grays sprouting too. I do think they tend to show up a little more easily on our dark hair.

    Crown of splendor, girl, crown of splendor. God said it. I believe it. :-)

  24. Just found you through Reflection Space. I think you are beautiful! Love your blog!

  25. I have TONS of gray hairs. So many that my sweet stylist, Joy, told me, "Honey, I hate to break it to you, but all these new hairs here are growing in gray." Fantastic.

    I guess that's what having 3 boys does to you.... Welcome to the club.

    - Natalie

  26. I got my first gray hair at the ripe age of 23. I have dark hair as well, so I'm sure it stands out a lot more for us then those blondies. Embrace the gray; it is a sign of maturity. =)

  27. I know you are younger than me! I don´t think I want to find grey yet! oh my! well, at least one by one you can pluck. ;)

    Your hair doo is gorgeous! you are glowing!

    I will have to go get me that cut! I hate fussing with my hair too!

    Dani Joy

  28. Roll the windows down and drive fast.
    LOVE THIS!!!
    You are beautiful

  29. Got a few here too. You are so beautiful.


I love them.