
mint to be

We love mint, ice cream, and bubbles.  Put them all together and you get these ice cream shaped bubbles that smell as yummy as they look.  Our favorite is the chocolate mint.  Even I was tempted to eat them!

I'm lovin' this mint sprite nail polish.

{image via classic bride}

Vintage jadite is a new crush of mine.    

And we did it. 
 We made puddin' paint. 
 It was so yummy we ate more than we painted.

{image via apartment therapy}

This is mint to the max.
Mint to be worn.
Mint to be adored.
Mint to be savored.


  1. mint IS so lovely isn't it?
    to taste and to see! :)
    it's one of my favorite colors/flavors!


  2. Nice mint pics. :)
    Those have to be the cutest flip flops I have ever seen!

  3. I love mint too. The puddin paint sounds so fun and I am in love with jadite too...

  4. Very cool! Loving the color. It's almost the color of our kitchen. Very springy and happy! Love it!

  5. Love those toes and flip flops :)

  6. I love mint too! Especially with chocolate. =) I have been a fan of jadeite for a long time, but I don't own any yet... it's on the wishlist though!

  7. Love the polish!!! Hope you are feeling good & enjoying every moment with your sweet blessing & beautiful family!!!

  8. I love mint too! So yummy AND beautiful! Love the sandals you have on in the toenail picture... super cute! :)Your house must be such a fun place!! I can't wait to make mint pudding paint with Tucker!!! :)

  9. Lovely!

    I just blog-hopped over from letters to you. Your blog is so cute!

  10. Beautiful color.

    Cute shoes!

    hope you are having a beautiful week!

  11. love the toes... and the flip flops =)

  12. i like this post. i love this color. that paint pudding sounds too tasty and too fun! i just might have to paint my toes this mint sprite color in honor of this post.

  13. Vere try Mint-ting- a - ling Ice Cream?
    It is yummy too!
    Love you pics...
    isn't it nice to be able to reach your toe nails again!? :)

  14. I've been looking for some green toe nail polish myself.


I love them.