
the week of mud pt. 2

This is what happens on adventures with Daddy.

Four wheeling fun.

Thad loved every muddy minute of it.

I even found mud in his ears.


  1. haha - taking after his hippy mum and dad!

  2. What fun memories he will always have!

  3. Oh yes...my boys couldn't be happier than when they are muddy! Love this shot. Love your header also! Beautiful!

  4. what a face!
    memories beyond a price

  5. Mud AND chocolate! What more could a boy ask for? :0)
    Thanks for popping by and your sweet comments. xx

  6. adventures with daddy are super cool! thad is all boy!!! and he's a handsome one at that!

  7. Mud is awesome. You guys are awesome parents. I was cheering when I saw your post about taking Legend to the jazz fest too- how fun! Obviously, a baby at a rock concert would be a little wierd. But jazz? And Simon and garfunkel? Amazing!!!

  8. Love it! What a fantastic moment to capture in a photo. And playing in mud isn't just for the boys... there are pictures of my sister and I do that very same thing! :)

  9. Oh my! I bet they had lots of fun! :D

  10. I love to see this kind of stuff, when my kids were little this is what we used to do and it was so fun and great...not a care in the world about how dirty they got. We do the same now with the grandblessings when they come visit.

  11. that is SOOOO cute!!! That's little boy heaven right there! :P love it! I want to come be in your family! :)

  12. Look at him!! wow!! you are one cool Mom! He is going to love you when he is older and you still let him do this! for real!!!

  13. Boys will be boys...young and old alike. But Boy do they have fun!

    He is too cute!

  14. Oh my goodness! He is absolutely adorable!!


I love them.