
five in the fast lane

Our Thaddeus turned five this week.  When did that happen?  I blinked and now he's a big kid.  It's been a whirlwind of five years!  Thaddeus wanted to have his birthday at his Mimi's house, so we decided to just invite family this time.  He talks incessantly about his imaginary green race car, so I knew I had to make a race car cake.  And baking is not my trade.  I was petrified.  Last year we had a pirate ship cake made for him that was nothing short of amazing.  I wasn't sure what he would think about this one, but he ended up loving it.  At least it was edible!  There were several moments in the process where I wasn't sure it would be!

We had a lovely time with our aunts and uncles and cousins of all ages.  I must say that I really love this family that I've married into.  They are some wonderful people.  It was a great party!

The chocolate race car

Mimi whipped up these homemade waffle cones

All our favorite ice cream toppings in a dozen jelly jars

Thaddeus blowing out his candles

Boston wearing his waffle cone

The pool party

Legend learning how to swim : )

Blueberry spritzer swirled together by the lovely Aunt Beth
  (post coming soon on how to make this classic summer drink)

The birthday boy breaking in his brand new radio flyer Big Wheel.


  1. No that's a party I would have LOVED to attend!!! That pool looks heavenly... it's over 100 here today! You have the most adorable children ever!!! That cake looks amazing too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THAD!

  2. That drink does look really yummy and I think the cake looks great!

  3. CLASSIC!!!

    Happiest Birthday Thaddeus!!

    :) i want to smooch Legend. not gonna lie!

    Looks like a blasty!

  4. What a great idea with the ice cream toppings. I'm taking note. Have a big 1st bday coming on the 4th. :) Beautiful photos Joye!

  5. The cake looks great and the waffle cones are such a great idea.

    Legend is such a cutie!!! Well done!!

  6. Happy 5th Birthday, Thaddeus!!! I loved the cake, Joye!! And Legend looks adorable in the swimming pool :) It looks like a really fun party....I love family parties like that!

  7. what a precious and handsome 5 year old you have! what a lovely party!!! the ice cream cones and topping are super cute. the race car turned out fantastic; you are the bomb diggity mama! oh, and legend, he is such a hand full of handsome! hope you are having a lovely week, my fellow nursing, up all hours, mama! : ) i prayed for you last night at 3 am. hugs to you!

  8. Ok... so the waffle cones and jelly jars filled with goodies = yumminess!! Ummm... Joye, my birthday is coming up soon! ;) wink. And I personally think you did an amazing job on the race car cake!

  9. just came upon your blog, and I couldn't stop reading. love it. and I want a party like THAT!

  10. Great job on the cake...I'm so glad Thad loved it! And those ice cream toppings look divine. :)

  11. Lovin' that baby in the water! Ohhh, I want one! Super fabulous cake and those CONES...Yum-O!

  12. Great cake!!!
    I have a boy turning 5 this summer.
    Where did the time go. Didn't we just bring them home from the hospital??

  13. Happy Birthday! Five is completely awesome!

    Love that jelly jar idea. Now I'll have to have a party just so I can steal your idea!

  14. Fab party!! Cute car cake! Loved the waffles cones and toppings!!

  15. You did a fabulous job on the cake! It looks great.

    I had a big wheel when I was younger. They are so awesome. I love all the mud he has already gotten on it. =)

  16. What a beautiful cake, and wonderful party. Those cones look delish :) Hope you had a brilliantly wonderful time..

    K xx -- www.thoseblissmoments.blogspot.com

  17. What an awesome-looking party!! I love the cake!! And, all of the other goodies look yummy-licious too!

  18. Aw...they grow up so fast. Alex will be 8 in a few weeks...how did that happen? :( What a great party! You did and amazing job on the cake, and I love the idea of the ice-cream toppings in the jars, so fun! What a lucky little five year old! And I remember having a big wheel as a kid...really fun! Happy Birthday to Thaddeus, he's an adorable big boy!

  19. You cake looks great! You dont give yourself enough credit for baking!!!! Looks like the kids had a fun time!

  20. This looks like a perfect kids party! gorgeous cake! Lovely blog, super stylish xx

  21. today is june 28th and your mom would like to wish you both a happy anniversary!love you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. that cake is SWEET!! happy birthday to your little one!!

  23. Looks like you guys had a blast! The treat look SO yum! :)


  24. Looks like you guys had a blast! The treat look SO yum! :)


  25. Just posted an award for your blog! It's under the video clip post. Your blog really is full of joy!

  26. WOw..I'm impressed with your cake making skillz. My husband has actually been the "cake maker" for our children's birthday's. It's always entertaining to see what he will make!!

    Look like a fun day was had by all!

  27. Looks like your life is soo full of blessings Joye!
    The waffle cones looked way too yummy...
    Your baby is absolutely beauuutiful! His chubby cheeks make me get the "baby nudge" again! Yikes!
    Blessings to you -

  28. this birhtday looks amazing!

  29. ps. just wanted to let you know that i left an award for you on my blog today!


  30. Happy birthday to your son - and - this chocolate racing car is AMAZING!!!

  31. Love the toppings in the jelly jars!


I love them.