
so i'm just a little excited....

I have an article featured in the latest Christian magazine for teen girls, 2:21 Mag!

If I could do cartwheels, I would!
But for some reason my cartwheels always end up looking like a half-hearted bunny flop, so I think I'll celebrate by going to bed early tonight.  That just made me sound really old.

I love this magazine.
To the moon and back.

Know any teen girls?
Pass it on!


  1. Awesome, Joye!! I am so proud of you!!!

  2. I loved your article!!! Such great advice!

  3. AWESOME! Thanks for the link - such great news.

  4. Congratulations! How exciting for you!

  5. Oh, how exciting! Congratulations! :-)

  6. read it & it was awesome!!!! great job!!

  7. Congrats!!!! I have never heard of that magazinge. I will check it out!!

  8. Joye, this is great! I work with the late m.s./early h.s. girls at my church and I'm always looking for something to encourage them in their faith. Your article is spot on and I hope that it will strike a cord with a few of the "boy crazy" girls in my group.

  9. Awesome! I have never heard of the magazine but I will definitely check it out!

  10. I'll go and check it out. Congrats! :) Your blog looks so cute. It's cheerful and happy!
    Love ya!

  11. This is wonderful. I just read your article and it's incredible!!

  12. So excited to have you!

  13. yay! you are an amazing writer so it's a good thing they picked you!!! going to bed early is the best way to celebrate!!!

  14. Congratulations, Joye...that is awesome! Rejoicing with you!

    Continued blessings to you, my friend...

  15. Awesome Joye! Congrats :-) Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations


  16. Loved it! Now I will show it to my teenage nieces for encouragement! :)

  17. this is so great joye! congratulations. you are such a beautiful writer.

  18. so, i may be blind but i can't find an "email me" button on your blog. will you email me? i have something to tell/ask you :]



  19. Dear Sister in Christ,

    I came across your blog a few months ago, and have been encouraged by it in many ways. Jesus always shines right through what you write!

    As a teen myself, I was eager to read your article--it was lovely and very inspiring. However, what I found in the rest of the issue, and the website itself, troubled me greatly.

    Jesus is the reason I live. Although the world tries to pull us away, I found that there are even Christians who try to pull us away from Christ, too. This website is an example of that. Why should we "dumb down" Christianity by giving out calendars that say, "give your friend some candy"? While there is nothing wrong with that, why don't we encourage them instead to set aside their very lives for Jesus--to turn away from the hunger of self, and instead live for our Prince?

    It's exciting when I find others who want to share their faith with others. But far too often, the world and it's desires get mixed right.

    Let's encourage teens around us to set higher standards--so Jesus isn't just on the "check list" but the very center of their life!!

    Thank you, Joye!
    In Christ, Lindsey

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  20. Aww! That's great! Congratulations!

  21. joye, i just read this for the first time! thank you so much for sharing your story to make HIS work known in your life, love and marriage! i will be reading this to my small group of 10th grade girls tomorrow night.


I love them.