
I wish I could press rewind and relive this New Year's weekend a thousand times.
We celebrated with family at Mimi and Papa D's.  There were only minor injuries (and for our family that is no small blessing!)  We even got pictures of everyone smiling!!  Yes, miracles still happen.  And they stayed in one place for longer than a minute. (I think Joel bribed the kids with candy and firecrackers...aren't we model parents?)  I can even overlook the fact that the pictures were taken after Thaddeus decided to romp in the mud.

During the holidays, God kept bringing this verse to my mind and it seemed I was reading it everywhere.  I'm loving the way The Message Bible phrases it (although I don't recommend The Message translation for studying,  it's refreshing to read every so often):

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." (Romans 12:2 )

"Readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it."
That's what I want more than anything.


  1. I love that verse, the translation of it. It does seem the world is always working to drag you down to it's level of immaturity...I can really relate to that. I want to respond quickly to God too!

    Those are such great photos!!! I can't believe how much your kiddos have grown! So precious!

  2. That's a great paraphrase version. It really breaks it down so it makes sense for our lives.

    Glad you had a great New Years :)

  3. I love reading The Message along with whatever translation I'm studying...I feel like it's a pep talk on the topic I'm reading! Gets me all excited :)

    and if you have any time before 7 tomorrow (I know that's a tall order), you should watch session 3 on live.passion2011.com. It's Francis Chan..talking about Phil. 1:27-28, living worthy of the Gospel and I feel like you would love it. My hand cramped up from taking so many notes...I finally just had to put the pen down and soak it in. So. Good.

  4. such cute family photos! I also love that verse! such a good one to meditate on :)

  5. Not a Message fan, but WOW...loved this! Thanks for the note of encouragement today!

  6. I LOVE that verse! I'm not a fan of the Message version either, but sometimes it's nice to read it because it's like a storybook. I love the phrase "You'll be changed from the inside out." That's my goal this year - to allow Him to fill my insides so every aspect of my life reflects Him.

  7. I love how the Message version translated that verse!!!

  8. Those are the most happy, beautiful pictures of children I have seen in a long time Joye! Beautiful picture of how many blessings God has given you... happy children are such a blessing!
    Enjoy the beginning of a new year.. a new opportunity to share God's love with those around you!
    So nice to stop by when I can!

  9. i love the way the Message states that passage. beautiful words for this new year!

  10. I love the picture of your son's muddy pants. Shows real life! Oh and I love this verse in the Message translation. I posted it on my post on 5 Minutes for Faith this week. Have a wonderful week my friend!

  11. adorable pictures and awesome verse!!! I heart your family!! :)

  12. That's a wonderful verse. And that's a great translation. It really breaks it down for us. Thanks for posting it. And your family is just too adorable!!! I love the family photo.

  13. Perfect verse for me at this time. Thanks! I journaled it.

  14. I needed that verse today.

    Thank you, friend.

    Beautiful pictures of an adorable family.

  15. Your family is just GORGEOUS! So precious!

  16. That verse has been brought to my attention as of late. I love that translation also. I've been working with youth since I was 21. I'm now 34...and it's been one of my passions. I think you have a great "little" family...and bless you guys for your hard work. Praying many blessings for you! And how did you get that picture? I have 5 boys and I didn't even attempt this year to get them photographed together. Yikes...they are all adorable!

  17. your family is so beautiful! happy new year!

  18. You are all absolutely ADORABLE! I just love visiting your blog - so visually beautiful as well as inspirational.

    Thank you for sharing Romans 12:2 - I love that verse. :)


  19. Happy Belated New Year! Beautiful picture. And, thank you for sharing the Messages version of that scripture. Definitely spoke to me this morning.

    Love to you,


I love them.