
waves all around me but still

The Great Wave art print by dreamery studio

When Jesus beckoned me to come walk out on the water
I was so excited I forgot about the waves
All I could see was His face
Inviting me
His hands
Urging me to come
The first steps are shaky but sure
What joy!  What excitement!
Faith like a buoy propels my feet forward

But then what's this that blows across the water?
A wave?  A tempest?  A storm?
No longer are my steps secure
My eyes falter, the face of Jesus blurs
Would He let me sink now when he has called me to His side?
Doubt becomes the most treacherous of waves
An overwhelming urge to save myself
Sinks me further from the only one who can

But then He's there
Strong hands pulling me into the safety of His arms
The face I lost sight of
Now swimming in my tears
Oh Jesus, did I really love my life so much
I would take my eyes off of you just to save it?
It is YOU who called me
It is YOU who will see me through
And I count my life as nothing
Just to walk on the waves to you

Didn't know how else to say it.  So I remembered His Words here and here.  Wrote this poem.  And listened to this song over and over again.


  1. Love it. What a powerful reminder of our walk with Christ.

  2. Love, love, love.

    He is speaking to my heart about clinging to Him...

    and Him alone.

    Love to you...

  3. Wow everytime I read your blog posts I am so encouraged! There are a lot of Jesus "loving" bloggers but your love for him just flows through you so beautifully. In a world where so many people seem to customize their faith, it seems you are sticking to the truth!

  4. this is truly beautiful! what an encouragement this morning, and what a powerful reminder of the journey we all take as believers... so touching!

  5. This is beautiful and such a perfect metaphor.
    (Hi! I'm new around here)

  6. That's really beautiful. Thanks for sharing the song too, have a new song for my list now.

  7. completely and perfectly beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  8. God has gifted you with an incredible ability to write.
    Thank you for giving it back to him and in turn blessing others.

  9. This is beautiful! It's only when I take my eyes off of him that I become insure. He is my Rock, my sure foundation.

  10. you have such a bee-you-tee-full way of writing! such talent!

  11. How beautiful! What a wonderful reminder that He is worthy of our trust.

  12. Thank you for the reminder of the only one who can keep us safe through every storm. God bless you.

  13. I'm now following you from bloggymoms sweetie!
    you have a great spirit!

    See u soon!

  14. Oh, you say it so beautifully. I could see myself in the picture you just painted for me. Thank you.


I love them.