
leaving on a jet plane...

I apologize ahead of time if you are going to be on a certain flight to Denver tomorrow....

I will be traveling solo mommy-o with four little ones in tow.  And we are not the quietest family--no, I am sure it will be highly entertaining.  I'll have you know I'm bringing A LOT of snacks to keep their little flappers busy, along with crafts, crayons, books, games, toys, and whatever else I could stuff into an already bulging carry-on and their backpacks.

We're going to visit my family on our ranch in Nebraska.  Three whole weeks in the middle of nowhere!  Now that is the way to vacation!  The kids are so excited, it's all they can talk about.  When I tried to explain to them that daddy wasn't coming right away but he would be there for the last week of our trip, they somehow came to the conclusion that daddy's truck would be pulled by a looooong rope tied to the plane and that's why he would be late.  Mmmmmmhmmmm....sweet imagination.

It's been almost two years since I've been home.  I'm looking forward to this trip.  Last time it took me three whole days in the van with three restless kids...and I swore I'd never do it again.  But this time--oh thank you, Jesus!--we have a direct flight into Denver where my dad will meet us and drive us the six hours to the ranch.  Sigh.  Sigh.  Really deep sighs of relief.

Now all I have to do is keep my kids from driving all the passengers on the plane crazy...


  1. All the very best with that!!
    Last year, here in New Zealand, one of our members of parliament made a big deal to the media, about some children travelling on a flight with him and making noise etc.
    I thought "Good job!...Hopefully that will teach you some tolerance!!" haha.
    I really feel for parents "flying solo" on flights/trips, and where possible always try to lend a hand....I hope someone will help out when you need them most ;) And have a great holiday!! ;)

  2. Hope you have a great trip...sounds like a wonderful and refreshing way to start your summer! (Wishing you luck with your kiddos while traveling, too!)

  3. Have fun...it will be hot! We hit 100 here in so. Kansas yesterday and have high 90's at least next few days...July/August weather for us!!

  4. Yay for Denver and YAY for Nebraska! We love the midwest and are actually visiting in-laws in NE right now. Good luck with your trip. Exhausting, I'm sure, but so very worth it ;^)

  5. Have a great time sharing and making memories! Take lots of photos!
    Get the kids to write their daddy a note telling him about the plane ride to keep them busy!

  6. Ahhh...enjoy your time making sweet memories with your kiddos!

  7. So glad you get to go home. :)

  8. Hope you have a wonderful time, Joye! Let us know how the plane ride goes.....not sure if I want to attempt one with my kids or not. Ha!

  9. Hope you have a wonderful trip!! No matter how the flight and car ride go, remember what my mom always used to say,

    "We're making a memory!"

    She said that in the good, the bad, the funny, the mudslides down a hill in the middle of the night in a leaky pup tent. It's all part of the journey...part of the memory.

    Enjoy, my friend!

  10. Have a fun time, as i am sure you will!

  11. Hi there,

    I have a question about your site, would you mind emailing me back @ kthomas@primroseschools.com?


  12. i'll wave in the general direction of denver. :D have fun with your family! :)


I love them.