
schoolin' it homestyle

Hooray!  Hooray!  School started last Monday!  And there were NO TEARS!  Well, ok, so maybe I almost cried when our gooey art project turned into a slimy dripping mess of glue on my dining room chairs...

But, we ate a cupcake and threw ourselves a little back-to-school party and all was well with the world once again.  Cupcakes are wonderful like that, don't you know?  They are such happy little icing clad confections that spread their cheer quite infectiously.  I highly recommend their healing attributes.  They will relieve mommies of headaches, children of whining, daddies of worrying, and babies of crying.  What a miracle in a cup!

So, with one week of homeschooling under my belt, I'm ready to proclaim to the world how much I LOVE homeschooling.  (This is where all of you seasoned homeschooling mothers will now proceed to laugh at my presupposed declaration).  There's this wonderfully new sense of peace and purpose in our home.  And it's called A SCHEDULE.  Really, schedules are amazing.  And I'm finding all of us are thriving on it.  I'm rather impulsive and unregimented and I certainly don't always follow my schedule to the letter, but I'm learning how to make schedules work for me and my family and not the other way around.  

While I'm teaching my kids, I'm also learning so much about my role in their lives and the all important part I play in revealing the truth of God's Love to them and the trust He has given me to do so.   What an amazing, fulfilling, and important ministry this is-- the ministry of motherhood.  I'm awed by all that it entails.  I'm humbled by the blessing it is.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities as a mother, and now this new responsibility of teaching my children academically.  For me, it's absolutely necessary to have one ultimate goal.  One supreme focus.  And that is to teach my children to "Love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength." (Mark 12: 30) and to "love their neighbor as themselves." (Mark 12: 31)

Everything else in life is secondary.


  1. I should stop in here more. HS, Thrifting, Vintage, Photography, Swagger Waggon, Art and love of the chaos of family life. Good Stuff.... Oh and do I spy a time-line? We heart homemade time-lines~

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  3. i'm so encouraged by your joy and enthusiasm...after homeschooling for awhile some days the grass starts looking greener on the other side and i daydream about having my whole day to myself *sigh*....but even on those days i'm thankful that my kids are learning from home, and from me.
    (although that's sometimes a bone-chilling thought too!!)


  4. You are amazing!! What an incredible experience for you and your family!

  5. Yea! Have a wonderful school year! We start back in a few more weeks... decided to get our trip to FL under our belts before we get back into the school routine, but my boy is already asking when we're going to start home schooling again.

  6. Oh I can't wait to homeschool our Zoe! Thank you for helping to stir my passion about teaching our little ones. Of course I have several years to go before Kindergarten, lol seeing as how Zoe is only 8 months =) Thanks for the great post!

  7. AMEN on that last paragraph!!!!
    I have educated our children from the beginning...15 years now, and still love it!!!

  8. Three cheers for homeschooling! If you feel you love it, you WILL love it. The best HS advice I ever got was that it is intense: emotionally, spiritually, physically and joyfully. Here's wishing you a blessed year!

  9. God's blessings upon you as you teach and love and grow and learn all together. (And as you eat yummy cupcakes!) :)

  10. I was home schooled my entire life - from Kindergarten through high school graduation. It takes a special person to home school and I don't have what it takes! My daughter starts school in a week and a half. I'm eager for this adventure with her since I've never done the "school" thing!

  11. good job! keep up the positive attitude trusting in the Lord strength. He will teach you so much in the entire process.. keep holding on to Jesus! blessings ;)

  12. It's so wonderful to hear about how things are going with homeschooling! I hope you have a great year!!

  13. I love homeschooling, too! We are so excited to dig in this year and get back on...schedule. :) Happy teaching, momma!

  14. You may be making seasoned home schooling moms laugh, but you're making me cry...oh, in a good way. I'm so excited you are doing this. I wonder if God will lead us here?

  15. i am so intrigued with momma's who homeschool. thinking about it totally overwhelms me. i am far to disorganized to be successful. good luck & best wishes.

  16. Sorry to contact you here, but I didn't come across your email address! :) I would love to hear from you concerning Faithblogs.net.

    Many Blessings,
    Katie Troup

  17. Hello! I'm a new follower, and this post has me hooked! I have always planned on homeschooling, and can't wait. My daughter is not quite 4 yet, so we will not start official stuff for a while, but I love playing with her everyday and watching her learn.


I love them.