
a picnic-ing we will go

Photos taken at my ranch in Nebraska this summer with my great grandma's quilt and my mom's picnic basket

I'm in madd love with picnics.  And you might be freezing and think I'm crazy but down here in Looosiana it's been hotter than a hornet's nest.  Yesterday it was 89 degrees.  Eighty-nine.  Today was the first day this fall that the temperature dropped and shocked us all into our stockings.  But that's when I like to picnic the most--when you're not in threat of a heat stroke.

I love just laying in the grass with all that blue sky above you and a soft quilt beneath you.  Watching little feet fly through the field and land every now and then beside you for a satisfying snack.  A few Sundays ago we had a picnic in the park right after church.  Nothing fancy, just ordered food and threw a blanket down (a beautiful blanket my friend Abbey made me).  The sun was a scorcher that day but it was still fun.  We are a picnic-ing kinda family.  

I just adore my Princess Astair's lovely braided locks

close up of the lovely blanket I was gifted
You can see more of my absolute favorite picnic scenes and ideas here.


  1. Aww I loved this! What a sweet post. Your daughter's hair is just precious.


  2. We are a picnicking kinda family too. Theres just something about lying under a blue sky that is the best!

  3. a picnic sounds wonderful! :) it looks like you had a marvelous time. :)

  4. What a great day as a family. The "Frances" series is my favorite. I have them all and read them to my girls. :)

  5. looks completely heavenly!!! I love that blanket! SO pretty! :)

  6. we love to picnic, but it's been a while. (the florida heat had been unbearable lately!) you've inspired me to get the blankets back out, though; a fall picnic sounds like a fun thing to do this saturday! :)

  7. Love those pictures! And I agree...."hotter than a hornet's nest" here in TX too! The past couple of days have been awesome with the cooler temps! :)

  8. Beautiful pictures, beautiful memories!
    Thanks for sharing.


  9. Pretty blanket. It's cold and wet, but we do get sun lately. Although I enjoy the fall here, this Texan girl couldn't handle a fall picnic.


I love them.