
how to get more done in less time

Okay, so when I initially found this random cassette, the first thought that popped into my head was not "I have to hear this!" but "I have to take a picture of this!"  For some reason (oh, I don't know, maybe for four little reasons) I thought this was absolutely hilarious.  For one, there is no way I would ever have enough time to listen to it, I would get considerably less done in more time.   So I decided to waste time anyway and take a picture of it.  But I did get more done with that one picture in less time than it would have taken me to hear it...

Little did I know, God had plans to reveal this very secret to me.  And it will take more than one hour of a cassette to learn it.  It will take a lifetime.  It started when I asked the Lord to teach me how to really pray.  I've been praying since I was a baby, conversing with God and sharing life, battling in the heavenlies, and petitioning on my knees.  But lately my prayers have become lazy, lukewarm, and half-hearted.  God has been impressing me with the importance  of a more purposeful, more diligent, more earnest and consistent prayer life.  And it doesn't happen overnight.

In fact, circumstances and situations have escalated to such heights that I MUST pray.  Joel's job that he was promised ended up not being secure and we are once again searching.  And I am left with only one arsenal, only one option, only one course of action when all else has failed and that is prayer.  Prayer is the one thing needed and the only thing available.  Be careful when you ask God to teach you to pray--He won't waste any time in doing just that!  So I am learning.  I'm learning how to press in to the Holy of Holies and to lay all my fears at the feet of Jesus.  I'm learning how to labor in prayer.  To set aside time for that purpose only and to praise, repent, petition, and proclaim.  And then to allow my spirit to remain in that open communion with my Father throughout my day.

I've been humbled lately by an incredible collection of volumes called They Knew Their God by E.F. and L. Harvey.  In it, the authors have compiled historical biographical sketches of men and women who accomplished much for God's glory in their lifetimes.  Their testimonies have caused an earthquake in my soul!!  A common characteristic of all these ordinary servants of God was that they were absolutely devoted to prayer and bible study.  Many would spend hours each day in diligent prayer.  Here are a couple quotes taken from Volume 1:

“Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin-cursed earth have been men and women of prayer.”  --D. L. Moody
“Those who spend enough time in actual communion with God to become really conscious of their absolute dependence on Him shall change the mere energy of the flesh for the power of God...
It is indeed true that that he that saveth his time from prayer shall lose it.  And he that loseth his time, for communion with God, shall find it again in added blessing and power and fruitfulness.” --John R. Mott

"When I bow to God, God stoops to me."  --Robert Cleaver Chapman

There is a way after all to get more done and it is by spending more not less, time in prayer.

Lord, teach me how to pray.


  1. Prayer really is a discipline, isn't it? One of those things that might take our whole lives to learn how to do well.

  2. i am dealing with this issue right now, too. i have been burdened to pray more for my children and the lost souls around me. i need His help...desperately. thank you for sharing this! i will add your family to my prayer list. blessings to you all. {{{HUGS}}}

    ps LOVE d.l.moody.

  3. I so needed to read this today! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!

  4. Have you read "The Jabez Prayer" by Bruce Wilkinson? I read this when I was fourteen, maybe fifteen and it changed my way of viewing prayer and I have put into practice the things I learned from that book. It's a very short book with many different variations for different people (men, women, children, and teens).

  5. Oh my word with the truth oozing from this post, sweet Joye. How true it is that prayer is so necessary. He is tugging at my heart as well...calling me out of my lukewarmness once more. Why, oh why, do I wander back into complacency when I have tasted His goodness time and time again? Thank you for sharing your heart with such genuine honesty. Praying for your family and your husband's job situation. My husband recently left his job of 17 years to start his own business...so I know about the leaping, the trusting, and the on your knees praying. Love to you...


I love them.