
we are the woods people

The Picture Story
our wonderful,
weekend woods adventure.

(because it took really long to upload and I felt too lazy to add words...just sayin')

>>>>>>> my camera runs out of juice at this point, so we switch to Joel's iphone <<<<<<<<

Back to civilization we go, though reluctant we are...

We could live in the woods very happily.

They remind me just how wildly beautiful our God really is.
I'm humbled that His Spirit lives in me.

You have to hear this song by Daniel Bashta (I've linked the David Crowder version but it was written by Daniel).

"My God's not dead
He's surely alive
And He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion" 

-Like a Lion by Daniel Bastha


  1. those knee-highs with the boots are too adorable! :) :)
    and the white boots made me smile - in NZ only people who work at the 'freezing works' (meat-processing plant) wear white boots. it's part of their uniform.
    farmers wear black boots. town/city dwellers wear the fancier ones with polka dots and pretty colours :)

    oh, and we call them "gumboots". yep~ there you go, you learnt something new today!

    ~ XO

  2. looks like a wonderful time. your family is just darling! :)

  3. looks like a great time!!! we love the woods too! I especially love the cute little knees in the pink rubber boots! ;)

  4. loving your trip in the woods! you have such a sweet family!
    just found your blog- so glad i did!

  5. Just found your blog- what a sweet family and a fun adventure!

  6. Those chubby knees!!! Seriously fun place you've got here, my friend. :)


I love them.