
Happy New Year!

    '^:^:^' Sending lots of prayers your way for a new year full of the love of Jesus! '^:^:^'

This Year I am simplifying.
{So I am sure that applies to resolutions as well, right?}

I want to live life simply in the grace of God.

Not striving to be more, do more, have more, make more,
but just resting in what Jesus has already done for me
on a Cross that marked the end of death and brought
a salvation that can never ever be earned.

Always it is free.
No strings attached.
Nothing at all can be "added" by me.

I want to become LESS so that Jesus can become MORE.

This year I won't expect every day to be sunny,
 I won't expect myself to be perfect
or my kids to be transformed overnight into replicas of Jesus 
 (we are born sinful after all and that is the beauty of God's transforming grace).

I won't expect my home to miraculously clean and organize itself
(or myself to miraculously organize it for that matter).
I won't expect too much from my husband, 
I will give him room to grow just as
I am growing and learning, 
and being forgiven.

I won't expect too much from others.
I have been given much grace so that
I can give it away.
Grace and Forgiveness:
What love looks like
when it's lived out.

I WILL expect myself to be THANKFUL
In ALL circumstances
for this is God's will for me
In Christ Jesus.

Thankful for a year that has been full of God's rich blessings:

God's love filling my heart, every single chamber, when it's been torn 
and bleeding from losing pregnancies and dreams

He's held on to me.

A husband who loves me so much it must be how God loves

Four of the most amazing children, definitely the cutest
that make me pictures and write me letters when I'm sad

My six year old washing the dishes for me "because you just need to rest, Mommy"
Spending every day with him and getting to teach him how to read

My one year old taking his first steps and now he's running and riding a scooter and saying things like "sorry mommy" and "ready, set, go!"
His little body fitting snug in my arms, his face in my neck, his hands holding me.

My little girl telling me I'm beautiful and wrapping her sweet little arms around me.
She is my gentle sunshine.

Boston's big bear hugs and the way he runs (sooo cute)  and the way he loves people--with his whole heart.

Family near and far that are always with me in heart.
A never ending source of encouragement, love, and prayer.
ALL the time.

Friends, beautiful friends that show up at my doorstep.  
That call, or write, or send me a message (or leave a kind comment here).

I have been so very, very blessed this year.

And I am thankful for a new year to count my blessings...


  1. what a fabulous resolution for 2012. despite the sincerest desire, i always find it hard to make sure i maintain (actually live out) a resolution. so....can i ask how you are intending to remind yourself to "live life simply in the grace of God"?? how you intend to replace old habits with new??
    would appreciate hearing your insights/wisdom/methods!! :)


  2. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!! Have a wonderful New Year!!

  3. Lovely post, Joye. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. Simplifying and resting in His Grace just resonates with me. I also just want to be. Be near Him. May your 2012 be filled to overflowing with His amazing blessings xx

  5. happy new year to you & yours! :) many blessings!

  6. Love this simplified list! Love the idea of letting go of expectations instead of heaping them on. Good stuff...

    Blessings to you and a happy New Year, too!

  7. happy new year joye!!
    i feel the same about 2012...i simply want to just be the me that God's designed me to be. no striving, yearning, stretching, or forcing.

    love to you friend!!

  8. simplicity is the best. i'm with ya girl! many blessings to you and your fam for this new year.

  9. Love it. you constantly inspire.
    Good thoughts!

  10. "Not striving to be more, do more, have more, make more,
    but just resting in what Jesus has already done for me"

    I think God had me stumble onto your blog just so that I could see that. Thank you.


I love them.