
always just enough...and why money isn't the most important thing

>>>>>-------->  sunday family bike ride

I told him he looked like a circus performer on that old rusty bike with the seat so high and the handlebars bent upwards.  I married adventure.  Excitement.  A mold breaker.  There are no stereotypes for this one.  He surprises me.  Just when I think I have him figured out, he dashes all my theories and is more than even I knew him to be.  He's just so stinkin' honest and unashamedly real.   Exasperating?  Sometimes.  Inspiring?  All the time.

We're two adventure seekers and our house is never dull and life is certainly not boring.  We're thankful for each other.  Thankful for our crazy kids.  But sometimes we get restless.  Call it immature, call it whatever you will, but we are fanatical dreamers.  I remember those early days of our young love when we shared our dream of being missionaries, our lack of desire for worldly wealth.  We just wanted to live simply, live radically, dare to love boldly.  Money never held much appeal to us.  Now we have kids (many of them) and we appreciate what money can buy.   We've lived with little and we've lived with much.  It's not the most important thing.  It's not what I want to spend my life chasing after.

What is the most important thing to me?  Jesus himself.  He's my life.  

And loving him has become my greatest adventure.  

In Jesus' own words, all of life hangs on these two tenets:  Loving God and Loving people.  Right here.  In the right now.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.  I can do all things through him who gives me strength."  Philippians 4: 12-13

Christ in me.  Giving me strength.

Strength to give more and want less.

Strength to live like money isn't the most important thing in a society where it is.

Strength to change my thought patterns from "if I only had the money, I would..." to "if it's what you want, God, I will..."

Strength to resist the selfish act of hoarding and embrace the scriptural practice of sharing.

Strength to be content with what I have.

Because it is always enough.


  1. Rose D., Frenchtown, NJFebruary 7, 2012 at 8:11 AM

    Oh, this post so touched my heart!!!

  2. You have such a beautiful heart and spirit and I am always so inspired by you!

  3. God used you and this post to speak to me. Thank you for the reminders.

  4. love this ... He is so good isn't He! He is ALL we need!

  5. and His joy we will have!
    "I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need." phil 4:12 esv
    thanks for sharing. love it.

  6. Your blog always makes me smile. You have such a good heart and it is definitely in the right place!!!

  7. Yes Father God this is my prayer too, I like Paul have lived with much and very little, help us to be content in ALL situations, we love you Lord Jesus!

  8. amen, amen, amen. girl, i feel you. our gracious God has blown me away, time after time, by the way He providentially provides.

  9. Yup, so true. Money is SO not the most important thing!


I love them.