
Thad's Super Spy Birthday

This is an official announcement from the Dicharry Spy Agency:  

Thad is Seven!

His birthday mystery mission was successfully solved by him and his fellow Agents.
Once the Super Sleuths arrived at the Agency, they were given their Spy Kits, fingerprinted, and then sent to the Decoding Station to decode a clue they received in their Kits.  The clue led them across the street where they recovered the stolen birthday present and surprised the suspect with water balloons.
All agents were rewarded with treats and a bomb cake that was successfully defused in time to sing Happy Birthday.

Every agent had R & R at the pool and presents were opened.

Mission Accomplished.

Well done, Agent Thaddeus.

The Dicharry Spy Agency is proud to have such a smart sleuth on our team.

Here are the pictures we recovered from the evening:

Here's to another year of great accomplishments, Agent Thaddeus!

P.S. From your parents:  You are loved tremendously!

P.S. #2 Much thanks to Pinterest for inspiration for the spy theme and the bomb cake.


  1. what a blast. pun intended ;)

  2. This is fantastic!! I have a son turning 7 in Aug. and he would flip for something like this!

  3. Oh boy! What a terrific birthday party! Happy Birthday, Agent Thaddeus!

  4. SO fantastic!
    i almost did this theme for my boys bday, too. :)
    looks like the mission was a success!!!
    yay for creative mommies!

  5. Happy birthday (a little late) to Thaddeus! Don't you just love Pinterest party ideas? Nora will have a bee party tomorrow to celebrate her second birthday. Her baby sister will be making her appearance sometime soon after (we hope).

  6. what an adorable idea for a boys' birthday party! love it!


I love them.