
Come away with me and let me love you...

This sits on my credenza.

An invitation.

Simply written.

Delivered by a King Eternal.

An imploring whisper.

No demands are made.

It is a "come as you are".

But I rush past it everyday.

Stack papers and lists and things to do on it.

When I do remember, I feel guilty

for time spent apart,

for the rags I'm wearing,

the stains I made already

on white linen He purchased for me.

From trying and striving and 

working so hard

and still seeing the clay

that smears these hands.

And I wonder if I missed it.

Something important He wanted to tell me.

Something He wanted to give me.

Love that looks past all my faults.

Love that heals and binds up.

Washes over me.

Gives me clean hands

and a full heart.

Love that bends down to where I am

and doesn't call it failure.

Never says its too late.

Love that still dreams for me.

He hasn't given up.

The invitation is always there.

I'm dusting it off and sitting with Him.

And I don't have to say a word.

Just listen

and let Him love me.

p.s.  Jesus brought my sweet neighbor Orissa to my doorstep tonight and she left me with this song (Come Away by Jesus Culture) that she and her sister sang and it was everything God was speaking to my heart.  Everything I needed to keep on believing.


  1. Adore this. Thanks for this beautiful reminder this morning.

  2. Dear Joye, thank you so much for the encouragement. God uses you so much to encourage others.

  3. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder, one that I need everyday, especially to just sit, and let God just love me, and for me to just listen! Blessings sweet friend, Heather

  4. This is beautifully written! Thanks for the reminder.

  5. so beautiful.
    i need to be reminded of this often.

  6. Amen. I heard that call this morning too and finally, after many days of. Boozing busyness, obeyed. I needed it so badly too. I felt like a baby who needed swaddling. That's the image I had...and that will press on my heart until I write about it...

  7. I can't sleep. I came here to catch up and read this. Beautiful and just what I needed tonight. Thanks for reminding me of the invitation.


I love them.