
The Story Grace Photo Shoot

There's something so otherworldly about newborn babies.  

They smell like heaven and they feel like tangible joy in your arms.  There's a sweet peace that clings to them  (especially when they're sleeping, can I get an amen?).    Story Grace is one of those fresh from heaven babies that floods your soul with lightness.  I wouldn't call her an "easy" baby, but I've never had one of those, and they must be boring.   Every one of my babies had tummy troubles even though I nursed them all.  But even with the fussiness, there's such a sweet spirit about her.  

These pictures capture so perfectly the beauty of my Story girl.  A sweet and talented friend of mine who lives in my neighborhood, Austin Vidrine, came over to snap these pics in Story's nursery.  To say I love them is a vast understatement.  They're a dream!  They tell a story...her story.  I had been planning it for awhile, making headbands and decorating her room.  I used quilts from her Mimi's house, her Aunt Beth's vintage suitcases, an antique book of poetry from her Grandma's ranch, and even made a headband from a silk rose that belonged to her Great Grandmother Ruby. 

It just felt right to take these pictures in the room Story will sleep and dream in.  My house was full on the day of the shoot, a couple friends of mine stopped by and there were nine kids in all.  It was chaos at times with all our kids running in and out and crawling underneath and between, but Austin was a dear and Story was a darling and slept through most of it for us.

Thank you, Austin, for beautifully capturing my little piece of Heaven.  These are photos and memories I'll cherish forever.


  1. These are beautiful!!! I especially love that last one :) :)

  2. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing.

  3. The BEST photos ever!! Love all the sentimental pieces!!

  4. They are such beautiful pictueres. Congats again on the addition of Story to your abode.

  5. these are absolutely and perfectly lovely pictures! and story is beautiful. congratulations!

  6. oh, perfection!
    that sweet Story!

  7. These are STUNNING! And I love the way you incorporated family mementos in the photos. Beautiful!

  8. oh my sweetness. blessings to you all.

  9. Oh Joye, these pictures are absolutely perfect. She will love looking back on these pictures. Good for you for doing these photos... even with 9 kids in your house!

  10. Absolutely beautiful and the sweetest photos!! ;) xo Heather

  11. The last one is my absolute favorite. Mamas holding babies gets me every time.

    You are a beautiful pair.

  12. I LOVE it Joye! I'm getting ready to go take pictures of a baby girl, and you just made me so excited! She's beautiful.

  13. Oh my. These are gorgeous-what treasures!

  14. well those are just perfect. so very sweet.

  15. precious precious shoot, what a neat experience for everyone--especially little story!



I love them.