
dear baby girl

Dear Story,

Thank you, my sweet girl, for smiling and cooing and being so downright lovable when mommy is totally pooped and ready to throw in the towel (or wipe).  By now, you know you were born into a zoo.  But this zoo utterly adores you.  It may be loud, but it's always entertaining.  You'll never be bored.  That's a promise.  

You're the happiest in the morning (and generally every time you wake up from a nice long nap).  You grace us all with the biggest of smiles and we can't help but grin besottedly back (this night owl who is certainly not bright and chipper at ungodly hours of the morning included).  I love, love, love holding you close, rocking and nursing you as often as I can.  It's peaceful holding you.  Don't tell anyone else, but sometimes I stay in your room, rocking you extra long, just to soak in some much needed rest.  You don't seem to mind.  

Your daddy hogs you when he gets home from work, though.  He doesn't put you down.  You fall asleep every night on his chest.  Your brothers and sister are nuts about you, too.  Legend gives you a thousand kisses a day and whenever you cry he whispers, "oooooh, Story, iss okay, iss okay".  Astair loves to dress, and hold, and bathe you.  She's the best big sister in the whole wide world.  Thad and Boston are such proud big brothers and they are always looking out for you.

Sometimes there's six people in your face at once, all vying to get one of your coveted smiles.

You've brought such sweet joy to us all.

We love you to distraction,

Your Very Own Zoo


  1. she is so precious! how could not be smitten?

  2. The second picture in the group of pictures right up top of this post KILLS. ME. She is toooo precious.

  3. oh joye she is just a doll. this is so sweet.

  4. Goodness that baby is growing up too fast. She is quite lovely in her 10 week age. Of course, she arrived on the scene that way. :)

  5. Such a sweet letter to your girl. Does it give you butterflies that she will most likely READ your blog one day??? I just thought about that seriously the other day and it added a whole new level of excitement for my blog =)

  6. Aww! She's so sweet! I love this.. especially that you hide to cuddle and rest. ;) We mamas need more of that.

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award on my blog! :)

  7. Oh my, she is just so sweet! And I love her little outfit...absolutely adorable :)

  8. she is ADORABLE! and her little outfit and headband, oh so cute!

  9. I just love the names you have chosen for your children! Your family is adorable. I am sure if we lived in the same area we would be such good friends.

    Teresa Rieke from Virginia Beach
    (friend of Lauren Casper-Traded Dreams)


I love them.