
Days of Our Lives

Today's Episode:  Sun and Fun with My Honeybun  (Our 6th Year Anniversary at Destin Beach)

It keeps gettin' better all the time...
Thank you, baby, for your love!

(disclaimer:  wonderful sixth year anniversaries do not come free--the years proceeding them are not always easy and may require diligent studying of the instruction manual for marriage a.k.a the Bible!  There will be tears, there will be struggles, there will be hardships, there will be annoyances and grievances, but when love is fought for and forgiveness is cherished marriage is something beautiful.)

The star outside my window

Just for the record, and at the risk of sappiness, I have missed "visiting" with all of you.  I can't wait to catch up on all that's been happening in your lives.
Honestly, if you are a reader I consider you a friend and your friendship has blessed me.  As have your prayers, your comments, and your encouragement.  I have seen that there is so much good we can accomplish together in blogland for the Kingdom of God.  When we pray together in the spirit there's no end to what God can accomplish through us.  When we use our words and our comments to lift up the broken, to encourage the weary, to support those in need, we are ministering to Jesus.  
It is a beautiful thing to see.


The star outside my window

There is a star that often visits me
On days when I need most it's light
Her rays reflect His glory
Through sunshine haze and dreary nights

She often pauses on my doorstep
Peeks her smiling head inside
Then opens up some treasure
The Son willed her to confide

We talk, and laugh, and maybe cry
But always there's a warmth
The loving heat of the Son's light
It sears our minds and hearts

We've never known pretenses
Or hidden who we are
The greatest joys have all been ours
Here in the gaze of Jesus

{by me for you}

Dear Orissa,  the star outside my window,

I will miss your little visits, the prayers, the listening to God's heartbeat together on my front porch swing.  But I am so excited about where you are going, my little star.  You will be walking in his heart beats, shining His love on faces that hunger for Jesus.  And you will return even brighter than before.  Because you will have been that much closer to the Son.

I love you.

You can visit my star next door, Orissa, at her blog where she will be journaling her year long mission trip as a student midwife to the nations.  You just have to read this post of hers.  It's beautiful beyond description (and trust me, there's more where it came from).  Please keep her in your prayers!

**And just in case you were wondering, my hubby and I's anniversary was beyond imagination the most wonderful one and a half days of our married life this far.  Bar none.  I will definitely be posting the pics soon :o)



My heart is so full right now.  
I am so thankful for every one of you who prayed for my brother.
Every prayer was felt and every prayer was heard.
I've spent this day on my face before God's throne and
God has been reminding me that He is holding tight to my little bro.  
He won't let go.

My brother will be in the hospital for awhile but he is out of surgery for now.
I pray that he will hear the voice of his Father speaking love into the deepest corners of his soul.

Thank you. so. much. for kneeling your hearts beside mine.  ♥♥

There is another reason my heart is so full.
And it has everything to do with this man.

This weekend we are celebrating our sixth year of love and marriage!
And here's the best part:
We get to celebrate ALONE!
Yes, I am ecstatic.
I haven't left my kids overnight is almost two years.
This is a BIG DEAL.  (thank you, thank you, thank you Mother in Love!)

Here's were we'll be tomorrow as you read this post:

So I won't be around for a couple days : )
See ya when I get back!


Battle on my Knees and a prayer request

My heart's heavy tonight.
My prayers, urgent.
It's nights like these when I wish I lived closer.
It's nights like these when I am weary
but called to do battle on my knees.

There is a war that rages for many that I love.
And it's to the death.
There is an enemy of our souls, and he plays for keeps.
His ammunition seems to never run out.

But then I remember
This is a war that has already been won.
And it's for life eternal.
There is a Lover of our souls, and he plays for keeps.
His Saving Grace, his Powerful Love never runs out.

I stand on My Victor's side.
His banner waves red overhead.
I kneel in the shadow of the cross.
The Words He died to give me,
the sword I brandish in the face of the enemy.

And these are those Words I take with me:
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests."   {Ephesians 6: 10-18}
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  {2 Corinthians 10:3-5}
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." {John 16:33}

I will not forget who the enemy is.
I will not forget who the Victor is.
Jesus purchased our freedom with his life.
And I will go into battle on my knees
till those I love accept it.

**Please pray for my brother today.  He is a young veteran of the war and has many scars to prove it.  He is in the hospital right now.

The Rainmaker


O Lord
you are as
a sweet mist that
settles softly upon me
falling gently as light rain
with words from your mouth
cleansing my wet upturned face
as rushing rivulets of your love are
seeping into the deep river of my soul
that is ever widening until it overflows
immersed in the torrents of your spirit
drenching my dry and so thirsty heart
filling my empty cup full to the brim
your rain dancing all around me
spills  into  another  soul

{written in 1999 by me}

Go dance in His rain today.

And remember 


The story of the Olive Oil

This evening I felt dry. 
I almost reached for my computer before I opened my Bible.
But God has been gently nudging my heart.
He doesn't mine blogging with me.  He just wants to always remain the reason I blog.
So before I jump in and get immersed in the lives of so many friends...
He wants me to get immersed in HIM and in His Word.
Because I need it.
It's my lifeline.
My bread from heaven.
Without it I starve.
When I eat it I'm satisfied.

Tonight it didn't fail to feed me and I would love to share the story I read with you, but in my own words  {how I imagined it happened}.  The real story is found in 2 Kings 4: 1-7 and it's a great read!  Here is my spin on this wonderful story...


SHE shut the door and slumped against it.

   "Mamma, who was it?"  a concerned voice behind her asked.
Quickly she brushed her hands across her wet eyes, willing courage into her voice,
    "It was the creditors again, my son."
    "But what more could they want?  We have given them everything we have!  Our food is nearly gone.  We will starve!"
    "I know, I know, my son.  But now they are asking for more."  She couldn't hinder the tears that fell freely now as she looked at her youngest boy.  He reminded her so much of her husband.  Tall and dark with eyes that flashed when encountered with injustice.  How she missed him.  The Lord had taken him so suddenly from them.  And they had barely mourned his death when the creditors began harassing them.  Day in and day out they had come demanding debts to be paid that she had no way of paying.

Oh if only her husband had been more careful with their finances!  But he had always insisted that the Lord would provide.  He had never sought earthly wealth.  Instead, he had committed himself to the Lord's work and had traveled with Elisha as a prophet to the people.  There were many times when they hadn't known where their next meal would come from, but somehow the Lord indeed provided.  Their home was filled with love and the peace that comes from being in the Lord's will.

At least it had been.

Now the peace that had once been theirs seemed all but a distant memory.  She was living in a nightmare she wished would end.  And she didn't know how she would live with the news she had just received.

    "What did they say, Mother?"  Her oldest son entered the hallway, protectively placing his arm about her shoulders.
     His touch undid her. "Oh my sons!  My sons!  They have threatened to take you both as slaves to pay your father's debt!"  She couldn't hold back the sobs that now racked her weary shoulders.  She knew she should be strong for her children.  Have faith.  Be their rock.  But she couldn't bear the thought of losing her sons.  No, please God, not her sons!
Her boys enveloped her in reassuring arms, their own voices breaking as they sought to comfort her. 

Had God abandoned her?  Where was the God her husband had so faithfully served now when they needed him the most?  She felt so scared.  So alone.  So desperate.

She could hardly pray.  Her words seemed to stick in the back of her throat.  Lifeless. Dead.

   Trust me.

She looked down into the faces of her sons.  Had one of them uttered those words?  No, but then she heard the faint whisper again.

   Trust me.

God.  It must be the God of her husband!  He was speaking to her? He MUST care for them!  He must!  It was then she knew what she had to do.  She would find Elisha, the man of God.  God would surely help them!
    "My sons stay here and pray to the God of your father.  He will hear your prayers!  I am going to seek Elisha and I will return soon."  She rushed out the door, calling for them to lock it behind her.  An urgency filled her heart and a faint feeling of hope began to grow in the pit of her stomach.  

She ran through the entrance of Elisha's lodging, barely stopping to politely knock on the slightly open door.  Her words tumbled over each other as she fell to her knees before this prophet of the Lord,  "My husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the LORD.  But now a creditor has come, threatening to take my two sons as slaves."
     Elisha looked down in surprise.  His heart went out to his dear friend's widow, and he quickly helped her to her feet.  "What can I do to help you?" he asked, then quickly added, "Tell me, what do you have in your house?"
   "Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil," she replied.
   And Elisha said, "This is what you can do.  Borrow as many jars as you can from your friends and neighbors.  Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you.  Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting the jars aside as they are filled."
    He had barely finished speaking when the widow lept to her feet and ran to her neighborhood.  She burst through the door of her house and called for her boys to come quickly.  Breathlessly, she told them all that the man of God had instructed them to do and sent them to fetch jars from their friends and family.  They left quickly, a new hope glimmering in their eyes. 
    For a moment she stood in the shadowed hallway, wondering what on earth she was doing.  But then she remembered the voice of her God.  She would trust him.  He was her only hope.  
    Her boys soon returned with their arms overflowing and she began to pour the meager amount of olive oil she had into the largest empty jar.  It was filling to the top!  She stared in disbelief as it began to spill over!
    "Mama, here's more!"  her youngest boy quickly set another jar beside that one, his excitement barely contained.  They watched in amazement as jar after jar after jar was filled to overflowing with the finest olive oil.
    "Bring me another jar," she motioned to her oldest.
   "There aren't any more!"  he exclaimed.  And then the olive oil stopped flowing.
The three of them took a step back, staring in silence at the vats of oil that filled their living room.
    "What do we do now?"  her oldest whispered, still amazed by the miracle they had just witnessed.
    "Oh, but I don't know!"  the widow cried, "He didn't say!  I'll be back!"  And she took off again with haste to Elisha.
    "Elisha!  Elisha!  God is so faithful!", she cried as she entered his home barely announced.  And she told of him of the miracle she had witnessed, her joy spilling forth with every word.
    "But now what am I to do with all this olive oil?" she asked.
   "Sell it all and pay your debts, and there will be enough money left over to support you and your sons."

She returned home, her heart light, her tears, cleansing.  She found her sons still staring at the miracle God had provided from their meager supply and she told them excitedly about the plans God had for them this day.

He had not forgotten them.  He cared for them!  And they would trust him.  

Because He is a Faithful God. 


I ♥ Faces

I have a new love.

{don't worry, Baby, it loves you too.}

It won't replace you.  Just capture you.

In living color.

And it is....photography.

Here is where my little love has been taking me of late:

There's a photography contest ever week and this week's theme is "Let's Hear It For the Boys"

Align Center

Here's Lil Prince Charming....

"Happy Drool"

And THE Prince of Charm Himself!  
{Okay, I admit, I really just couldn't resist posting more pictures of him}  
I do ♥ this face!


This Daddy's Love

This Daddy's Love

Our Daddy walks through life beside us
Holds our hand and does his best to guide us

Our daddy loves like there's no tomorrow
Hugs and kisses away all our sorrow

Our daddy is life's great instructor
Finding new things each day to discover

Our Daddy is brimming with adventure
Exciting, fun, and free of censure

There's none that compare to our daddy
Nope, zero
Our daddy is our hero

(written with love by me)

Happy Fathers Day, My Forever Love!

Happy Fathers Day to my own selfless and wonderful earthly daddy!


Happy Father's Day to my Abba Daddy, my Heavenly Father, whose arms have been my refuge my entire life.

**First two pictures above were taken by my lovely friend Michelle of Perfectly Parish Photography


When In An Emergency....The Diary of a Day

11:00 p.m., 12:00 p.m.,  1:30 a.m., 3:30 a.m., 5:00 and 6:00 a.m...
All appointments I had with my feverish children.

9:00 a.m.
The appointment with their doctor.

101 degrees.
That's what it felt like outside at nine o'clock this morning!

101. 5 degrees and 100 degrees
What the thermometer read this morning when I took My Sweetness' and Mr. Personality's temperature.

9:08 a.m.
The actual time I pushed, pulled and prodded the stretch limo stroller into the waiting room of the doctor's office  (the only way I can get all three children in one place at one time!)

9:30 a.m.
Summoned into the doctor's office and trying desperately to maneuver the five foot long monster through the tiny cramped quarters without running over too many toes or squishing any fingers.  

10:20 a.m.
Still waiting to see a doctor.  Reading Little Red Riding Hood for the fifth time in the most dramatic voice possible in an attempt to distract three miserable and bored out of their minds little people from crawling into the doctor's cabinets or touching the hazardous waste trash can.

10:22 a.m.
Now resorting to singing silly songs..."I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee..."  Anybody remember that one?

10: 25 a.m.
Holding both wailing babies while the doctor attempts to examine them.  "Yep, one has a red throat little mommy."  And then the dreaded sermon and the stern look,  "You know they're behind on their shots, we've gotta see them right away.

"Oh yes, well, that has been an intentional delay." Fidgeting under the strict gaze, desperately trying to sound confident but respectful, when what I really wanted to say was that I have researched this extensively and feel I am making the best decision for my children's health and safety by postponing their 12 and 15 month shots until they are at least 2 and a half years old.  Yep.  That's what I wanted to say.  Ah, well.  Somehow they convinced me to schedule the appointment for them to get their shots  (even though I will call and cancel anyway).

11:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
When the pharmacy promised the prescription would be done and when it was actually filled.

12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
My desperate attempts at putting my children down for naps...desperate, I tell you.  And desperately failed attempts, I might add.  Sitting in the middle of the floor holding my poor, miserable sick little babies.

2:30 p.m.
I started feeling sorry for myself.  "If only my family didn't live 1,000 miles away!"   And then I got mad at how pathetic I was for feeling sorry for myself.  (Goodness, I only have three children after all and I want more--how will I ever handle it if I can't handle this?)

3:00 p.m.
Lil Man prays, "Dear Jesus, help mommy be nice."  Eeeouch.  Praying with Lil Man, "Yes, Jesus, please forgive me and fill me with your love and your strength and fill our home with your healing."

4: 30 p.m.
Daddy comes home.  Tired and exhausted.  To a very tired and very exhausted little family.  He recently had a tooth pulled.  He needs to rest.  Mommy has an opportunity to learn patience, self-control, and selflessness.  Mommy fails.  Miserably.  (Oh dear, why am I referring to myself in the third person?)

6:00 p.m.
Communication breakdown.  Wishing I could just escape for a little while.  Where's the emergency exit when you really need it?  

"Joye, I'm here."

I brushed the barely heard whisper away, now crying into the dirty dishes, frustrated at my failures today as a mommy, as a lover of my God, as a caring wife.

"Joye, I'm here.  Let me love you."

"Now, God?  I'm not very lovable at the moment.  I'm too busy being angry with myself.  But really, God, you still want to love me now?"

And then I see it.  God is in the business of loving imperfect people.  Nothing I ever do will make Him love me any less.  It's a mercy I don't deserve, but a mercy that cost Him dearly to give.  

He is my emergency exit.  My route to safety.  I escape the flames because I run through the door of His Son, not because of anything I will do or ever have done.

"Thank you, Jesus, for your amazing love."

7:47 p.m.
Babies finally sleeping peacefully.  Kisses, hugs, and forgiveness sought and given from my dearest most wonderful husband.  

9:00 p.m.
An appointment with my Jesus.  Letting Him love me.
Planning an emergency route for tomorrow that looks like this:



Introducing...Albert and the Winners!

For my 100th post, I hosted a giveaway and you can view the lovelies here.

Now, are you ready for the winners?  Of course you are!  I know many of you are early morning bloggers  (I, for one can't seem to focus on a computer screen or anything else for that matter before noon!) and I am so sorry I posted this late.  My lil Prince Charming was up most of the night with a fever and Lil Man woke up at three complaining about a sore toe.  We fetched our dear little Albert from the ice box and all was well with the world once again.

I made Albert The Bird when the twins were babies and suffered from colic.  He's filled with flaxseed, lavender and chamomile flowers, and a whole lotta love.  He can be popped in the microwave  (he's one of those rare birds that can) and nestled on a baby's tummy he soothes their woes away.  But perhaps the best use of our dear Albert has been to treat everyday bobos.  He chills in the freezer until he's needed and then his cold little body makes all bad things disappear.  We love Albert. 

Okay, now on to the real reason you're reading this post!
Since many of you fabulously voted for my friend's father's day picture and received multiple entries, I let Lil Man draw the names the old fashioned way:  from a bowl!

The fabulous winners are:

Click here to see what they won!

I'll be getting in touch with the winners soon!  And I had so much fun with this giveaway I am just sure there will be more! ^_^

Thank you so much to From Shi's Garden and Summer Suzette Couture for letting me feature their lovely things!


Wordful Wednesday...Shiver Me Timbers

I'm linkin' up for another wordless wordful wednesday!  You can too!  Just visit Seven Clown Circus , 5 Minutes for Mom , or Ordinary and Awesome and play along!

We had a smash up time at Lil Man's birthday party bash!
Our little pirate just turned four!
When did that happen?  And am I getting old?
For the record, I can't take the credit for this cake.  Although I did get creative with the twin's cake, I was very much obliged to let a very talented and extremely creative cake extraordinaire make this one.  And I'm so glad I did!  It was as good as it looks!  And we managed to eat it before the sun sank it...

My Dear Little Pirate,

I love you.  You make the sun shine brighter, the music sound sweeter, the days brim with excitement, and my heart overflow with love and laughter.  Your hugs tug at my soul and your "I love you"s warm me to the ends of my toes.  You are my genius boy, my brave and sensitive one, my little best friend.

All my
Your mommy

P.S.  For all you giveaway lovers:  enter mine here!




Love wraps arms of finest lace
about bare shoulders lacking grace
Love thinks not of it's good name
nor cares if it is sullied or shamed
Love only sees a heart bereaved
Love is not famed, 
still fills the need

I stumbled on this poem I wrote last year and when all else fails at conveying a message my heart has been longing to write, this poem says it all...

I pray I will wear this lovelace always...and find shoulders in need of its delicate drape.

**Don't forget to enter my giveaway below!!


100th Post Giveaway!

It's here!  My 100th Post Giveaway!

If you're really bored (or delightfully nosy), you may read my brutally honest (nothing to hide here folks!) 100 Things About Me post.
If you're really busy, you may read my 100 Things About Jesus post  (so much more worth your time!)  And if you are always grammatically correct, you may cringe at my lavish use of hypotheses.  I give you my permission.

Now, on to the real reason you are reading this post: the giveaway!

Here are some of my favorite little bits of loveliness that may soon be yours:

♥ Prize No. 1:  Perfectly dainty handmade paper rose earrings and homemade Olive Oil/Oatmeal soap.
I found them in a local quilt shop nestled away in the woods and I. love. them.  (If you live anywhere nearby, you just may want to visit this quaint little store that sells everything from yummy homemade tomato preserves to colorful oil cloth beach bags.)

♥ Prize No. 2:  A $25 gift certificate to anywhere you choose.  
(provided I can purchase the gift certificate online and have it mailed to you, of course)  What can I say?  I love you guys.

♥ Prize No. 3:  One pair of beautiful hand-crafted earrings of your choice From Shi's Garden
I just love these earrings!  And the best part about them is that thirty percent of the proceeds made from their sale goes to support a non-profit organization called Sabu Help that I personally believe in.

♥ Prize No. 4:  Some fun flair for a little girl's hair!  (Or yours!!)

I just adore these ponytail holders and paisley clippies.  You will definitely find me wearing them!  I'm still waiting on My Sweetness' hair to grow long enough for me to put it in pigtails!  Oh, oh, ooooh.  That will be sooo cute!  My friend Kristin sells these and other hair accessories in her online store, Summer Suzette Couture.  She's always adding stylishly chic new products and she makes the most darling little customized shirts and onesies!  Darling, I tell you.
You don't have to be a blogger to win!  Here's what you do:

♥ Leave me a comment and if you are not a registered user than please send me an email with your name and email address.  (1 entry)

And if you really, really, really wanna win:

♥  Go here and vote for my friend Sarah's father's day picture!  (you may have to register and verify your email address)  Sarah has the picture up on the top right hand side of her blog along with the link you need to follow to get there.  (5 entries)

This giveaway will run until midnight of Wednesday, June 17th!  


A Girl Named Orissa

There's someone you just have to meet.

And her name is Orissa.
She's been in this blog from the beginning.  I've often referred to her as my "beautiful neighbor/friend".  But she's so much more than that.  She's a sister of my heart.

And I'm going to miss her.

You see, I've had the privilege of walking beside this dear friend through her journey to becoming a young woman.  I met her when my husband and I were youth pastors and she was merely thirteen.  I remember knowing then that God had big plans for this little lady.  And what a joy it has been to see those plans unfold.  I have laughed and cried and prayed with her.  I have rejoiced over her heart of obedience.  Her path has not always been an easy one, but she travels the narrow road with narry a backward glance.  

And now her eyes are fixed on a mission field. A mission field of needy mothers and babies eager for life.  Orissa has enrolled in a Birth Attendant School at an International Christian Mission Organization called YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Australia.  From there she will travel to undeveloped nations across the globe assisting women in childbirth and in mother/child health care.  For one whole year.

For one whole year she will be living out of her backpack, loving women and children in desperate need.  For one whole year she will be ushering life into this world and into the arms of their Savior.  

She wrote a beautiful letter describing the school in detail and sharing her heart.  You can read it HERE on her Aunt's blog  (it was published in the local newspaper as well).

God has been ordering this dear heart's steps.  Every single one.  I have watched Him give her direction and open doors only He can open.  I have watched her take hesitant steps of obedience until she broke out into a full run!  She has taken leaps of faith.  You may have thought it strange to see a shiny red PT Cruiser in the picture I took of Orissa above?  Well, the story it tells is one of surrender. 

 God gifted that car to Orissa in answer to her prayers for a vehicle.  He literally gave it to her.  For free.  And then He placed this mission on her heart.  And because it was the cost of obedience, she sold her prized possession, she gave it back to him.  That is faith.

And faith pleases God.  Oh, how it pleases him!

Maybe your heart has been stirred to give in faith to Orissa--whether monetarily or prayerfully.  If that is the case, then send me an e-mail and I will be happy to give her information to you!  She is setting up a blog as well to keep us all updated on her journey of love.

I can't stop thinking about that sleek little red cruiser Orissa sold and comparing it to my own treasured possessions and gifts from God.  Even though He gave them to me with no strings attached, would I be as willing to give them back to him?  Would I sell everything, leave family and friends for Him?  I hope I would.  I pray I will.

P.S.  It's coming! My 100th post giveaway!  I won't be blogging over the weekend because it's Lil Man's birthday, but I will post it for Monday.  Monday, monday...is gonna be a funday!

Summer School Art and Bargain Decorating Files

Pajama Mama has been hosting Summer School Art and I just happened to finish a project I've been working on for-ev-eh for my Bargain Decorating Files.

It really wasn't that difficult, but even simple things (like getting dressed, going to the bathroom, eating...) become very complicated when lots of little people with pokey little hands are on the loose.  Oh I know.  But aren't they cute!

Many of you know (and if you don't, you soon will because I'm about to tell you) that I love decorating my home for a bargain.  And sometimes that means I have to be incredibly patient.  And in other words that means I frantically search garage sales, flea markets, or the neighbor's trash for treasures.  Ok, well, maybe not that last part!

I had been needing wanting a pretty little medicine cabinet to put in our bathroom because the clutter on our vanity was starting to annoy me.  But I was having the hardest time finding one for a bargain.  I finally spotted this one on the 1/2 price aisle of Hobby Lobby and bought it for twenty bucks.  

There was only one problem...  do you notice it?

You can see right through the glass.  That kind of defeats the purpose, now doesn't it?

So, I had to get a little creative...and turn the glass into a mirror.

You can do this with any glass surface!

Here's what ya do (Bargain Tip #11):

{*}  Find Looking Glass paint.  I decided to try Krylon Looking Glass Mirror-Like Spray Paint.  I found it at Hobby Lobby.

{*}  Tape around the glass for clean lines and no messes!

{*}  Holding the can 6 inches from the glass surface, apply a light coat of paint in a sweeping motion.  Do this several times (waiting for the paint to dry between each application) until you reach your desired effect.  I wanted a more antique look so I only applied about 4 coats.

{*}  Spruce things up a bit.  I decided to paint the cabinet black and distress it with a fine grit sandpaper.  

{*}  Of course, don't be afraid to put some pokey little hands to work here!  You can always go back over what they've "painted"!

{*}  Put it on the wall and hide that clutter!

For more Summer School Art projects hop on over to Pajama Mama's place!

And don't forget...my 100th post give away is fast approaching!


Coming soon...and changing the world

Have you noticed?
My 100th post is only a hop skip and a jump away!
Because I love you I'm giving away some lovely things!
I'll be posting the give away on the 100th post!
So come back and check it out!

Just for a little sneak peek, 
here's one of the lovelies I plan to give away:

(sorry, but no, it's not the wedding band, people!)

So be sure to come back and see how you can be one of the lovely winners!


This morning I was perusing through my mini library, trying to pick and choose which books I would be selling at The Book Boutique (Kristen @ Dancing in the Margins is hosting this fun event June 18th -20th).  And at the risk of sounding like a sentimental fool, I almost cried at the thought of giving some of them away!  I know that sounds silly, but certain books are just like old friends.  They've left indelible marks on my life.  I've laughed, sighed, and wept over their pages.  I've held them close, I've cherished them, and they have changed me in return.

I flipped open one of my favorites and read the first chapter for the 100th time.
And today it didn't fail to inspire me.
I want to share it with you.

Here is an excerpt from the book "I'm Out To Change My World" by Ann Kiemel Anderson:

I'm going where He goes...
Will you?
And He'll be there beside me.
The love for which He died
Is all I need to guide me.
And He's my gold...
Is He yours?
And my silver brightly shining...
He writes the music
on a quiet summer morning.

I'm an ordinary girl in a big world
but I'm going to change it--
God and I
and love.
"Yes, sir, I'll walk with you.
And you, ma'am.
And you."
You and I together,
we can make it.
Believe with me in the world where you live.
I need you, 
and God needs you.

-Ann Kiemel Anderson, "I'm Out To Change My World", 1974.


God in me
And    I  in  His    Love . . .
will change 
the world.
