I'm feeling random today and I always love Carissa's Miscellany Mondays. So here goes with some crazy southern randomness!
1. There is a bullfrog under my bed. No joke! Well, technically, it's under our house but I swear it's right under my pillow--he croaks so loud I can't sleep! I hear frog legs are a real delicacy down here. I'm almost tempted to try them. Almost. Welcome to the south and raised houses!
2. Joel went fishing the other day and sat next to an awesome red neck family! Seriously, I wish he would have recorded it! It could have been a scene from Waterboy! You know the one of the man who speaks cajun and you can hardly understand a word he says.
Let me set the scene for you: there's a Grandpa with black thick rimmed spectacles perched on the end of his nose, a wide berth and a white fluffy beard, two men with mullets and cutoff shirts, their wives, and a teenage boy all fishing off the dock.
Joel: Have you caught anything yet?
Grandpa: Yeee, we din caught a rake.
Joel: A rake? What kind of fish is that?
Grandpa: Eh, et ain' no fish, et a yard rake.
Joel: What did you do with it?
Grandpa: We trowed et in da back o' da truck. Et's a good lookin' rake! We gonna use et.
Mullet Man: I caught sometin! Sometin big! (pulling on his line)
Joel: What is it? A tiller?
Grandpa: Hhehh heh heh heh hehh (he even laughed like a cajun)
The boy gets ready to cast his fishing pole and everyone fearfully scrambles out of the way as quickly as possible. No one is joking at this point and they all look on in trepidation.
Grandpa: (to Joel) Eh, you best git out o' da way, he aint too good wid dat pole, he hooked sometin evey time he trowed dat ting.
Joel moves out of the way just in time as the boy throws his line and whizzzz plunk--he hooks a lawn chair!! The chair almost landed in the water and no one is surprised! Joel can't help it at this point, he's laughing hysterically!
I couldn't stop laughing when he told me this story! I'm definitely going fishing with him next time! It promises to be an entertaining trip.
3. Speaking of rednecks, I am married to a sitcom. He's a one man show. Not only do the funniest things happen to him, he IS the funniest thing that happens to him. I don't think he's ever been embarrassed in his life. But I have. Oh yes, I have definitely pretended not to know him! Check out this picture I took of him when he decided he wanted to grow a mustache (for fun). I couldn't take him seriously. I laughed every time he opened his mouth!
My baby rockin' a stache