Sugar babies, ahhh honey, honeys.
You are my messy tots.
And you got me spinning too.
How many messes can one little troop make? Well, today topped all former escapades by far!
I swear my twins woke up yesterday with this schedule in mind:
1. Spill mommy's bag of powdered sugar all over the kitchen and let brother and sister lick it off your clothes. (Check)
2. Find every mud puddle in the yard and roll in it. (Check)
3. Take off dirty diaper and sit on mommy's couch. (Check)
4. Open a bottle of baby powder and scatter it all over. (Check)
Mommy's new plan of action: Don't go to the bathroom. Ever.

Can I get you a new vacuum cleaner?... on that is kid-sized... :)
Oh dear! You know, someday you will look back on that and laugh. =)
Your walls by your staircase look like they are a similar shade of yellow as my walls! That helps me feel even more confident in my choice!
Oh wow! Definitely lots of messes! I think I may have been a little frazzled!
oh.my.goodness! What a day you've had! They do look so sweet in all that mess though! haha : )
New plan (since you HAVE to go potty when you're weeks from giving birth): Hide all messy, powder-like substances!!! hahaha
Those beautiful blue eyes melt my heart! Gorgeous babies!!!
Ahh... one of *those* days! lol But how can you be mad when you look at those baby blues?? ;)
hah! awesome photos even in the midst of chaos!
Oh, my word! One of those days, hugh? But oh, my,those sweet little feet in that sugar mess picture!
powdered sugar (we call it icing sugar) is sooo hard to clean up! we had it all over our lounge once and you can't use a wet cloth because everything becomes sticky. That has to be one of my worst non bodily function messes to have to clean up. It got to the point where I only brought small bags of it at a time because one of my kids was obsessed with the stuff.
What a big day! I feel for you :)
Bless your heart! I CAN imagine and know how trying those kind days are, and how thankful they make me that not all our days are soo eventful!
Please go to the bathroom, your bladder will thank you when you are 70.
Good Heavens! Oh the joys of mommyhood! Praying for a cleaner day for you all tomorrow. Great pics of the mess though, wonderful memories in the future. Just not so wonderful today.
Oh boy! That's one for the record books! Your grandchildren will hear about this day!
haha that sounds like a good plan :-)
Oh no! But what great pics...
Hahaha! At least you get to potty in peace. Seems like mine follow me to the bathroom every time and stand outside the door! LOL!! That was quite a mess, but they sure do look precious :D
wow! that's a real mess. haha!
poor you!!!
Oh my sweetness. That is too funny. Not that I am laughing at you because I am not...I am laughing with you. They are adorable. Love those piggie toes.
Oh bless you... what crazy times, yet sweet moments too.
When you want to cry, just simply laugh and find the humor in the situation. Precious photos.
Just invest in Depends for the next decade and you should be safe!
I'm feeling for you! Brought back memories!
I am so sorry about the mess! Made for some neat photos though!
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have a wonderful {cleaner, less messy} day!
~ Emily N.from "too Blessed to Stress"
Oh Joye... This made my day. I'm guessing not so much yours, though. You are so incredibly wonderful, inspiring and awesome. I'm praying for you and this little one that's about to enter the picture. And if you guys ever travel up around Chicago - we'll have to do a photo session of these precious little ones!!! Thank you for getting life and for being honest about it.
Oh my! What a mess to clean up. My little guy isn't big enough yet to make messes of that proportion...but someday... :)
LOL Oh my goodness! I have had days like this before. Learning to pee fast is an artform for mommies of little bitty toddlers. :) At least you have the pics to help you remember these memories that you will think are just wonderful one day. :)
this post is H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!!
Girlfriend. I am cracking up.
... and I showed it to my entire family!!
Wowie wow! Good job kiddos! lol.
I can relate! Yesterday I went upstairs to fold laundry and left the kids to play. Not 0 minutes later they had the fireplace screen completely disassembled! It is in so many pieces I couldn't tell you how many! A project for me today! If I can figure it out! :)
They are SO cute. My twins get into a lot of trouble together too.
Oh my gosh..that is to funny!.. Precious, precious kids!..gotta lovem' or you would possible beat them with a wet noodle!...:)
OH no! I missed this post. I am so sorry. I totally related. I would get in the shower and have total caos when I got out. Three under the age of three does pass. And then they are 10,9,8 before you know it. Everyone told me so now it´s true. It´s a whole new ballgame though. Emotional and attitudal. (if that´s a word)
Praying that you were able to get it all cleaned up ok and your nerves and love still in tact.
Big hugs
Dani Joy
btw..Love your nursery pictures! you did a lovely job. it´s so bright and cheery! alive!
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