
life at twelve weeks

I could've kissed the ultrasound machine.
One perfect little profile and the sweetest little hands.
Thank you, Lord, for putting my fears to rest.

I was nervous but trying hard not to show it.
The ultrasound tech took tons of pictures and hugged me tight on the way out.  She and I have been through a lot together.  From baby one all the way to this one, my sixth.  She was there when my second baby showed no more signs of life at 21 weeks.  She watched me struggled with the loss, my tears unable to be controlled.  

It would be my third visit when she would break the surprise to me:  I had not one baby but two.  I was stunned, she was excited.

And then there was this past year.  Two non-viable pregnancies.  Molar tissue and a blighted ovum.  Both showed all the symptoms of a pregnancy, but were difficult to diagnose and even more painful to experience.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I walked out of that room last week.  This time I can anticipate holding a new baby in six months.  This time I can think of names and dream baby dreams.  This time I feel the stirring of life in me again.

Even after having five babies, I'm still so amazed by God's creative power. 
The sound of the life blood gushing through that little heart.  
The perfectly shaped nose, the tiny fingers and toes.  
God's fingerprints, his master design are all over his children.  


Olivia Grace said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for you and your growing family!!! What a sweet blessing!

Unknown said...

PRAISE JESUS! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! Celebrating with you, dear sister. SO very excited for you!!!

CourtneyKeb said...

I love to read your writings here, and it was so peaceful and joyful reading this post of relief and happiness. Congratulations, God is so good.

Southern Gal said...

Oh, Joye! I'm praising the Lord with you right now. Such good news.

Kelly said...

Glory to God. I'm super excited for you and your family.

Fiona said...

what a journey! I am absolutely delighted for you and your family. You amaze me Joye, you amaze me.

Stephanie said...

Oh praise the Lord! What a precious moment! I've been having a lot of anxiety about this pregnancy but at my appointment two weeks ago I heard a healthy, strong heartbeat and wanted to shout Hallelujah right then and there. And now, at almost 15 weeks, this little one is already kicking and making his/her presence known. I'll never cease to be amazed at God's gift of life.

austin vidrine said...

So happy for you guys! Every one of your children are so blessed to have y'all as parents. And I just wanted to tell you how much your blog has ministered to me as a mom of more than one! Love you joye :)

Amanda said...

Awwww!!! Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! I just miscarried twins at 12 weeks! so I know that feeling! I hope everything goes well with the rest of your pregnancy!

bethany@thetharpesblog said...

congratulations! prayers for you & baby!

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

What a beautiful post, Joye! I am so very, very happy for you!

Natalie said...

woohooo! Abba is so good!

Christina said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad you had a great ultrasound, complete with pictures of that adorable profile!

Maria Trochelman said...

I'm soo happy for you and your family!!!

Mary said...

i couldn't be happier for you! :)
God is so very good!

Penny said...

How exciting! How wonderful!!!

Sarah said...

Sooo wonderful!!! I'm very thankful for you =)

- Sarah

Rachel~Wildflower Photography Studio and Wildflower Creative said...

been in your shoes...so excited for you! hugs!

Holly said...

so happy and excited for you. sending prayers for a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby!

BARBIE said...

I am so thrilled for you!

Natalie of TheBusyBudgetingMama.com said...

excited for you! I'm due in november.. will be fun to follow your journey too!

christa jean said...

How great is our God. He is the author of LIFE, not death! Our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but we know the One who came that we may have life and that life more abundantly.

I have five babies here and one in Heaven. Since that baby's flight back home, fear has been an issue. With this last pregnancy, God showed me how letting fearful thoughts in was essentially not trusting Him. Fear is in direct opposition to faith.

Sometimes the fear would take over my mind so completely that I would literally have to sit down, write each fear in my journal, and take them captive right then and there. It is work to fight, but God is a warrior too. He will fight for you!

Bless you and this much anticipated little one.


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