

This morning I planned a post on how to make the stuffies I revealed yesterday.  I planned to finish the twins' room and take pictures of that split second of uncluttered tranquility.   I planned to meet with my friend to organize our first MOPS get together.  I plan, I plan, and I plan.
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21
My plans are definitely many.  I have a habit of overwhelming myself with "projects" (you haven't noticed?).  And you know what I forgot to do this morning?  I forgot to ask the Lord what His plans are.  I forgot that His purpose is the most important.  I forgot that my plans will come to nothing without His spirit breathing life into them.

So today, I may or may not accomplish all that I intended to do, but I know it's not too late to sit at the feet of my Jesus and let Him share His visions, His goals, His heart with me.  And I know His plans for me involve peace, rest, quiet, strength, imparted love, selfless acts, being an intentional wife and a diligent mother.

I feel a gentle tugging at my restless heart's strings; patient eyes imploring me to stop and be with him.  I need what He will give.  His purposes alone will prevail.  And I want His plans to become my own.


Mikalah said...

Wow, what an encouraging post. I do the same thing- I plan and end up disappointed by what I don't accomplish many days.

Oddly enough, the days that I have meaningful time with God are the ones where I feel much more balanced. Go figure! =)

Lauren said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who makes all kinds of plans ... only to realize they were only mine. God didn't have the same idea for the day. Why do we try to fill up every minute - when the most important thing is being still before him? Who knows...

Thank you for posting this - I love it!!! :)

Andrea said...

Great post! I know what you mean about the need to get it done. Enjoy your precious blessings!

Elle said...

Love this post, I tend to make long term plans more than short term plans... and today I sort of felt like all of my plans just collapsed around me... I am so glad that I don't have to rely on my plans, but just trust my loving Jesus and know that he has a plan to bring good for those who believe.....

now only if I could really let go of the anxiety I feel....

Carrie said...

Wonderful words to follow :) I have a hard time saying no and end up overwhelming myself...but rarely do I stop and think to listen to what God's plans are...great reminder to do so :)

Sounds like you do have some great things going on...I'm sure your first MOPS meeting will be awesome! What a blessing you'll be for so many moms! {And super cute boots! Love them!}

Stephanie said...

Very true. Good thing God's plans are greater than our own!

Summer said...

Beautiful post Joye. This really struck a cord with me for sure. I am always planning to the max and sometimes forget that I need to spend some time listening to the Big Planner! :)

Thanks for reminding me...

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful reminder! I have been convicted lately to take a break during nap time BEFORE I do all the other things I have in mind to do...to study HIS word and put my heart where it needs to be. Thank you sweet friend!

Natalie said...

Awesome. :)

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Well said...beautiful words of wisdom and truth...

Mich said...

I agree...

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

Amen - a very good word today.

Mommara said...

You seriously do not know that you wrote this for me. I needed this. Thanks for the encouragement.

His plans for me involve peace, rest, quiet, strength, imparted love, selfless acts, being an intentional wife and a diligent mother.

This is going to be framed and put somewhere I will see daily. I need to remember this. Thanks

Fiona said...

I love that - 'intentional wife'!!

Heather said...

Great post! I really needed this today! I had plans to clean and organize but that fell through and instead there was grocery shopping to be done and of course my baby boy to take care of!
I have a habit of overwhelming myself, too.
I would love to be a better wife and mother and I am working on organizing my life- and YES i need to ask God what His plans are! :-)

prashant said...

I know what you mean about the need to get it done. Enjoy your precious blessings!

Work from home

Michelle said...

"And I know His plans for me involve peace, rest, quiet, strength, imparted love, selfless acts, being an intentional wife and a diligent mother."
"Intentional Wife" ---I love it!!
So true, and how often we work ourselves into exhaustion and then wonder why we are so unhappy!

Thank you for reminding me to slow down...and ask Jesus what he had planned for us today!

christy rose said...

So very true for me too! I usually do a rough weekly plan and let the Lord lead my days asking Him to help me accomplish what I need to before the week is out. Then that takes thought and yet dependence upon Him with no disappointment at the end because I trusted Him to lead me to get done what was most important. This was such a great encouraging post!

{darlene} said...

sigh. we girls are such planners. and woo-hoooo, when we are nesting, the planning comes out like crazy cakes.
God gave us ladies this gift to care about the future, our children's futures, our hubbys' futures... but somehow, in our nature, we just go overboard, right?? I love that verse... it keeps this planner in her rightful place! Trusting HIM! not me.


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